1. 字母q总是与u在一起,读做/kw/, 此处u不作元音。
2. 字母c在字母e, y, i前读做/s/ (cent, city, cycle), 其他字母前读做/k/(cut, cap, cop)。
3. cannot emphasize the importance of … too much.
4. 元音a, e, o, u在音节结尾(开音节)一般读做字母音(长音a, e, o, u), 有助于学生正确划分并拼读元音字母 辅音字母 元音字母的不熟悉单词(re port…rather than rep ort)。
5. 字母i和y经常读做/i/(big, gym), 但是也可读做I(silent, my, type)。
6. 一个英语单词用字母y而不是i的结尾(my, by)。
7. 有五种情况末尾的字母e不发音。(如me, she, 和 he的短单词末尾的字母e读做e, 较长的单词末尾的e不发音),尾字母e不发音应该被认为是”having a job” (承担一项工作)
① bake gene1 time/type code cute 使他前面的元音字母发字母音。.
②love give blue true 使我们不要以一个v和一个u结束一个单词。
③chance bodice charge allege2 使g和c读软音/j/和/s/。
④lit tle cas tle bot tle dab3 ble fid dle 避免一个音节没有一个元音字母。
⑤are nurse raise bye ewe owe cause 这一条被Spalding女士叫做无工作尾字母e; Sanseri女士叫做老工作尾字母e, 并说前四条之外的不发音尾字母e都叫做老工作尾字母e。
⑥使一个不是复数形式的单词不要以s结尾(dense而不是dens, purse不是purs, false 不是 fals)。
⑦加长短的主意词(main-idea), 如awe4, ewe, rye
⑧区分同音异形词的含义. 如or/ore for/fore。
⑨中英语和外来语中(那里的尾字母e是要发音的)留下来的, 现在不发音. 如treatise5 giraffe
8. 有五种字母组合发/er/的音/, 记住下面的句子。
Her nurse first works early. 这个句子是按英语用法中的降序排列的。
另外,or在w后也可以发/er/的音. 还要记住有些词尾的ar和or也发/er/的音。如dollar, doctor。
9.1-1-1规则:单音节单词中, 结尾是单元音加单个辅音的, 在添加以元音开始的词尾变化时, 需要将末尾的辅音字母再写一次再加词尾变化。(如hop---hop ped). 但是词尾是x除外, 因为它由两个音/ks/。
10. 2-1-1规则:双音节词中, 结尾是单元音加单个辅音的, 在添加以元音开始的词尾变化时, 需要将末尾的辅音字母再写一次再加词尾变化(be gin--- be gin ning). 第二个音节不重读的不能双写末尾辅音字母(en ter, prof it, bud get)。
11. 去e规则, 以不发音的e结尾的单词在添加以元音开始的词尾变化是需要去掉末尾不发音的e。(come----coming)
12. 是ie还是ei? 一般情况下, 应该是ie, 但是1) c之后用ei; 2)发字母a的音时, 用ei(neighbor, weigh, vein). 还有下面的例外情形Neither foreign sovereign seized counterfeit6 forfeited7 leisure. Plus: either weird8 protein heifer:
13. 音素sh用在一个基本词的开头或是结尾(she, dish), 还用在一个音节的结尾(fin ish), 但绝 对不会在后一个音节的开头, 除非是以ship结尾(wor ship, friend ship)。
14. 音素si, ti, ci最常用在一个基本词的第二及以后的开头, 发音/sh/. 常常可以通过考察词根和根词来确定发/sh/时用什么样的音素。比如
infect to in fec tious / collect to col lec tion / potent9 to po ten tial
music to mu si cian / space to spa cious / finance to fi nan cial
soci (companion) to so cial / ancien (old) to an cient
cruc (cross) to cru cial / speci (kind) to spe cial
15. 音素si在前一个音节以s结尾时(ses sion)发/sh/, 一个基本词经过词尾变化后只有一个s(tense---tension), 其中的音素si发/sh/。
discuss to dis cus sion / compress to com pres sion / admis to ad mis sion
16. 音素si可以发/zh/, 如vi sion, di vi sion, oc ca sion, ex plo sion。
17. 只有一个元音的单音节词,常常双写词尾的l, s, f. 比如will, off, miss. 有时双音节词也用到这条规则, 如re cess
18. 词尾为长音a时, 常用ay在词尾而不是a. (bay, day, decay)
19. 元音i和o后面有两个辅音时,常发长音. (find, old)
20. s从不在x后, 音素x包含一个/s/音, /ks/。
21. 去L规则1: all单独出现有两个l, 但在前缀中只有一个l。(al most, al so, al though)。
22. 去L规则2: till和full单独出现有两个l, 作后缀只有一个l. (un til, plen ti ful)。
23. 音素dge只用在单元音后面,而且这个元音发短音(badge, edge, bridge, lodge10, budge)。
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嘉兴新航道雅思,嘉兴学雅思,嘉兴雅思培训学校励志语言:坚持是世界上最简单的事,因为只要你自己愿意去坚持就没有人可以阻止你,不让你去坚持;但坚持又是世界上最难的事,因为坚持到最后的人一定是少数——就是成功者。其实人都有惰性,成功者与失败者的差异就在于成功者能够在做事的过程中找到一种东西来克服自己的惰性而坚持自己的目标,但失败者却不能。。#雅思口语Part2 话题
Describe a café you like to visit
You should say:
Where it is
What kinds of food and drinks it serves
What you do there
And explain why you like to go there
Where it is
第 一小问作为地点类的常规问题,需要给出咖啡馆所处位置的信息,包括绝 对位置,(位于哪座城市的什么道路),相对位置(利用参照物,距离学校有多远),还可以描述一般是通过什么交通方式到达的。
What kinds of food and drinks it serves
What you do there
And explain why you like to go there
I have been to a new cafe named Jean Rough, I like to visit it very often.It is a new café, and so I was not really too sure about what to expect there. But, when I arrived there, I was in for a pleasant surprise as I found that the friendly management and staff there were eagerly waiting to greet us and other customers. By the way, it was indeed a nice café, as my friends had told me before, with a nice decoration inside.
The tables were nicely shaped with beautiful, cream colour table clothes on them. Each and every table maintained a safe distance from each other to offer all of its customers a sense of privacy. The flower vases on the tables added to the elegance of the café even more. Not to mention, the lighting system of the café was also very colourful that certainly helped create a rather mystical environment there. Besides, all around the café, everything looked very shiny and spotlessly clean. There wasn’t a single thing that I could find to complain about the café.
Talking about the foods and drinks there, they were equally delicious and appetizing, especially, the strawberry-filled cheesecake and the garlic-roasted bread were simply outstanding. Besides, the cranberry fruit drinks tasted like they just came fresh from the garden!
Anyway, I liked this café, mainly because it had a huge space inside it to accommodate just about everybody rather comfortably. Besides, the decoration inside the café was very gorgeous and contemporary to lighten up your mood. Finally, I liked the café also because they served some of the most delicious foods and snacks I had ever tasted.
P3 咖啡馆
# What kind of people would like to go to a café?
In this contemporary epoch, fierce competition has become an integral part of our lives, due to this reason some people have less time to cook for themselves, such individuals are the primary customers of cafe. Apart from this, some persons go to cafes to break the monotony of their lives.
# Why do young people like studying in a cafe instead of at home?
The prominent reason for this is the atmosphere inside the cafe. Cafes offer a clean and serene environment which puts the young people in a state of flow. Another reason is there are fewer distractions at such places. Moreover, youngsters could find like-minded people at such places, which is not possible at home.
# Do old people like to drink coffee?
Although like youngsters, older people too love the taste of coffee, they take it in moderation to avoid sleep issues because coffee contains a lot of caffeine which disturbs our sleeping pattern.
# Do Chinese people like to drink coffee?
Most of Chinese are die-hard tea fans, however, with the increasing number of cafes specializing in serving numerous varieties of coffee. A large number of people have started developing an interest in coffee.
instant coffee即溶咖啡
real coffee纯咖啡
Physical health 生理健康
low-carb 低碳水化合物
afternoon tea 下午茶点
coffee pot 咖啡壶
coffee cup 咖啡杯
cafeteria 咖啡厅自助餐厅