台州新航道培训秉承“让每个学员都能考出理想的雅思成绩”的教学理念,致力于提升学员的英语水平和考试技能,帮助学员实现自己的留学和职业梦想。 台州学雅思,台州专业雅思培训,台州雅思单项培训,台州雅思一对一,台州新航道励志语:让自我的内心藏着条巨龙,既是一种苦刑,也是一种乐趣。温岭vip雅思培训班,台州雅思备考。
温岭vip雅思培训班,台州雅思备考雅思口语【Part2&3话题】:朋友间的争执#Part2 话题
Describe an argument two of your friends had
You should say:
When it happened
What it was about
How it was solved
And how you felt about it
本题其实属于旧题改编,之前的考试中曾出现过类似的题目Describe an occasion you disagreed with someone和Describe a time you quarreled with others。这几个题目中的argument/ disagreement/ quarrel都是同义替换,本题中只是把争执对象设定为“朋友”,明确“争执”的核心才是破题的关键。下面新航道小编为大家整理了有关“争执”的词汇,一起往下看吧~
When it happened ?
What it was about ?
How it was solved ?
And how you felt about it ?
Friendship thrives primarily on good relationships.However, sometimes even friends have altercations.
Last year there was a strong argument between two of my friends. During the?corona pandemic, my country was in a state of lockdown. Any many of us gained tremendous weight during that period.
Because during the lockdown, we didn’t engage in much physical exercise. Apart from this, we ate a lot.
Hence, to lose weight, we all college friends decided to help each other. Our whole group connected through video conferencing. We nominated two guys from our group who were fit to mentor the group.
Both of the mentors are my bosom friends. When the mentors started giving us weight-loss tips, both of them argued. The first mentor said weight-loss exercise is more important. The second mentor countered his view by saying that diet is more significant for maintaining an ideal weight.
To end the ongoing debate, we divided the group into two teams. Team A worked under the supervision of the first mentor, and Team B’s team leader was 2nd mentor. Team A focused more on exercise, and Team B’s more attention was on having a balanced and nutritious diet. The results were astonishing because all participants lose weight. However, Team B’s performance was better than Team A.There was a person in their overall look because all participants experienced significant weight-loss. Hence, the revelation was that diet plays a more important role than a physical workout for losing weight.
Initially, I had apprehensions regarding the debate between two of my amigos. But later on, I liked it. Because through the medium of that argument, we all friends improved our health.
P3 朋友间的争执
# Do you think argument is important?
There is no denying this?conviction that arguments sometimes consume a lot of time. Yet arguments are significant because they help us in clearing our doubts. Moreover, through arguments, people can highlight various issues affecting our society.
# What do family members usually have arguments about?
Usually, family members talk they argue about trivial issues. Like what to cook, and who will handle which duty?. Even small talk could lead to an altercation. Another prominent issue which families argue about is the education of the children in the family.
# Is it easier for you to have arguments with your family or with your friends?
I find it easy to have arguments with my friends because I am more open with them. Moreover, being of my age, they understand me better as compared to my family members.
# Do you think people should change the way they think when having arguments?
Yes, people need to have a drastic change in their thinking process while having arguments. Because their central focus should be on finding a solution through debate, rather than winning the argument.
embarrassed 尴尬
Put yourself in the shoes of others 换位思考
size the moment 活在当下
rebuttals 论据
topic 话题
fall out 争吵
change the subject 转移话题
Think out of the box 突破常规台州新航道雅思,台州学雅思,台州雅思培训学校励志语言:你的一生中,可以有所作为的时候,只有一次,那就是现在。然而,许多人却在悔恨过去和担忧未来之中浪费了大好时光。温岭vip雅思培训班,台州雅思备考。
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