海盐雅思专业辅导,嘉兴学雅思嘉兴雅思培训,嘉兴雅思培训班,嘉兴学雅思哪家强,嘉兴新航道雅思培训励志语录:一个人不可能把所有的才能都集中在自己的身上。—— 司汤达。嘉兴新航道学校,25年专注雅思提分。新航道教育的教学模式运用了国际先进的测评体系和严谨科学的模拟题库,在短期内专业有效地帮助学员,不仅关注学员起点水平,更加关注学习进程,随时调整课程设计,匹配综合能力,帮助学员高效实现预期目标,达到出国的标准。嘉兴学雅思,嘉兴雅思培训班,嘉兴专业雅思培训经典格言:嘉兴雅思培训,生活赋予我们一种巨大的和无限高贵的礼品,这就是青春:充满着力量,充满着期待志愿,充满着求知和斗争的志向,充满着希望信心和青春。--奥斯特洛夫斯基海盐雅思专业辅导,嘉兴学雅思。
2、 注意翻页的时机,不要考场跟着别人翻页就翻页,zui好在读题时把次页的shou个定位词写到前页下方,当听到这个定位词时再翻页。
3、 要注意数字的书写格式,每隔3位数要用逗号区分。
4、 注意大小写的问题,在填空时要注意本列其它给定项目的单词是否首字母大写,建议全部大写,练习习惯后考场并不耽误时间。
5、 在填空题中,阿拉伯数字不计入字数(Words)。
6、 听力的答案一般遵从靠后原则,即干扰信息在前,正确答案信息在后。
7、 在选择题中,与听力原文内容相同的选项不是正确选项。正确选项一般会换一种形式出现,不会照搬原文。
8、 雅思听力录音中注意单词的单、复数格式。
9、 注意数字十几与几十的发音区别(-ty 与 -teen)。
10、 有关数字十几与几十,在选择题中,一般是'十几'为正确答案;在填空题中,一般是'几十'为正确答案。但这个是在你听不清、把握不住的情况下,再按这个规律去蒙啦!
嘉兴雅思培训,嘉兴雅思培训班,嘉兴学雅思哪家强,嘉兴新航道雅思培训励志语录:感谢是爱心的第一步——西谚海盐雅思专业辅导,嘉兴学雅思全方位了解 IELTS雅思考试
考试科目 听力、阅读、写作、口语共四科,四科取平均成绩,满分9分 |
2020年1月开始雅思官方考试,海盐雅思专业辅导,嘉兴学雅思 单次报名费用改为2170元 |
考试时间 每月举办1-4场考试,成绩在考试结束后5-7个工作日后查询 |
IELTS 是为申请赴英语国家留学 移民的学生评定英语能力 |
嘉兴雅思培训,嘉兴雅思培训班,嘉兴学雅思哪家强,嘉兴新航道雅思培训励志语录: 对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!。本期节目话题背景 | 哪个瞬间,父母最让感到你骄傲?父母是世界上跟我们最亲近的人,也只有父母能够不计回报地为我们付出,不过我们好还是不好,他们总会把我们当做骄傲。
雅思口语Part 2话题范文
本期Part 2 话题
Describe an occasion when you were proud of your parents.
You should say:
What the occasion was
When and where it happened
What your parents did
And explain why you were proud of them.
I remember this one time, I was really proud of my dad when he played the guitar in front of all the students of my high school. Growing up, I had always heard my dad has talking about how great he was at playing the guitar. But to be honest. I wasn’t convinced at all. I mean, he is a business person, and I have never heard him playing at home or even practiced. So basically, the story was that I played the piano for my high school orchestra, and they were organizing an event called Parents’ Talents show. Because I was pretty good at playing the piano, so the school asked me if my parents had any musical talents. So I came home that day and asked my dad if he wanted to play in front of my school. And surprisingly he accepted it quite graciously.
In the beginning, I felt kind of nervous because what if he sucked, then everyone would laugh at me, because he is my dad. Then for the next couple of weeks, I expected he would at least practice but he didn’t. He still went on his day like usual. Then when that day came, he took his guitar and drove me to my school with my mom. On our way up there, I had butterflies in my stomach, but he didn’t seem to be nervous at all.Then finally the show started and he was the fifth person to go on, and when he played, I was shocked that how good he was. He played for about 3 minutes, and I actually forgot what he played, but all my friends were looking at me and their facial expression like “oh my god, is that your dad?” And at that moment, I couldn’t have felt more proud of my dad.
1. orchestra 乐队
2. laugh at 嘲笑
3. have butterflies in sb’s stomach 忐忑不安嘉兴雅思培训,嘉兴雅思培训班,嘉兴学雅思哪家强,嘉兴新航道雅思培训励志语录:生存竞争,谁也不能把对手全都消灭;漫漫征程,谁也无力将坎坷全部踏平。因此,学会摆脱,在许多时候是一种明智的选择。海盐雅思专业辅导,嘉兴学雅思。