1、Do you enjoy shopping/ window shopping?
I love shopping, but I am not a shopping queen. I will go shopping when I am in urgent need of something. But you know, for girls, we usually think we are short of clothes.
2、Do you prefer shopping in modern stores or in traditional markets?
I am now in my early twenties, and you know, young people usually love things which are modern and special, so I prefer going to modem stores, where I can find something fashionable and up-to-date.
3、What kinds of shops are there near your home?
Well, there are kinds of shops near my home, as I live in a big community, such as department store, supermarket, shopping mall , bookshop, the butcher's, the baker's and so on.
4、What sorts of things do you enjoy buying the most?
Well, I am crazy about yummy food. I am a kind of person who doesn't have to worry about weight when eating a lot of delicious food. One of my favorites is the bread and cakes in the baker's near my home.
5、Who does the daily or weekly shopping in your household?
Well, most of the time, my mum is responsible for shopping in our household. We usually shop weekly as we are busy in most of the weekdays, of course, I also do the shopping sometimes.
6、How often do you go shopping for things apart from food?
Well, that really depends on if I am in an urgent need of it. Sometimes, I just go to the shopping hall or supermarket to find out whether I’m running out of something.
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The rising levels of congestion and air pollution found in most of the world's cities can be attributed directly to the rapidly increasing number of private cars in use. In order to reverse this decline in the quality of life in cities, attempts must be made to encourage people to use their cars less and public transport more.Discuss possible ways to encourage the use of public transport.
Model Answer:
Anyone who lives in a city is aware of the increasing number of cars on the road and the kinds of problems this creates: traffic jams, air pollution and longer commuting periods. As economies grow and access to cars spreads to increasing numbers of people, this trend is likely to worsen. The solution, it would seem, is for governrnment to encourage the use of public transport in urban areas, thus decreasing dependence on the car.
One way to stimulate public transport use is to make private car use more expensive and inconvenient. The introduction of tolls along urban motorways has been successfully employed in many cities. Other such measures are high-priced permits for parking in urban areas and the restriction of parking to a limited number of cars. Faced with high costs or no place to park, commuters would perhaps be more willing to abandon their cars in favour of buses or trains.
There are also less punishing ways of spurring public transport use. The construction of free car parks at suburban train stations has proven successful in quite a number of countries. This allows commuters to drive part of the way, but take public transport into the central, most congested, urban areas.
Indeed, making public transport more comfortable and convenient should work to attract more commuters and decrease traffic congestion. Public transport that is convenient and comfortable retains its passengers, much like any business that satisfies its customers. The more commuters committed to taking public transport, the less congestion on city streets.
杭州学雅思,杭州雅思培训班,杭州专业雅思培训经典格言:杭州雅思培训,人世间,比青春再可宝贵的东西实在没有,然而青春也最容易消逝……谁能保持得永远的青春的,便是伟大的人。 --郭沫若拱墅培训雅思的地方。