Describe a situation when you did not tell others the truth
You should say:
Why it happened
Who is the person
When it happened
And explain how you feel about it
My friend Lily’s birthday is in June. Every year, some of her best friends, including me, celebrate itwith her. This year, to give (因为觉得原表达太wordy) her a big surprise, everyone pretended to befully occupied with work and that they couldn’t spare any time to go to the party. In fact, we hadbegun preparing for it several days ago. I ordered a big cake with a little beautiful princess likeSnow White on the top of it. On the second layer, the cake was made of ice-cream which was herfavourite. In addition, some of her friends made a reservation in a well-known restaurant, whichserved various kinds of Thai food. When the day came, in the afternoon she asked us in the chatgroup whether we wanted to go out and have dinner with her, but we replied “sorry, I am too busyto hang out with you.” Thus, she thought that we forgot her birthday and became verydisappointed. In the evening, when she returned home from work, she was surprised to find thatwe had already been waiting for her. Singing the “Happy Birthday Song”, I held the birthday cakeand the other two gave her birthday presents. Although she was somehow “pranked”, she was verygrateful for our effort. Also, I was quite happy about that.
雅思口语题库之不告诉别人的真相,我们常常感觉复习了很多的雅思内容,可是心里还是感觉没有十足的把握。在这里小编提醒大家一定不要泄气, 只要我们认真对待每次复习和考试一定可以取得优异的成绩。
杭州雅思培训,杭州雅思培训班,杭州学雅思哪家强,杭州新航道雅思培训励志语录:只有忠实于事实,才能忠实于真理。 —— 周恩来余杭封闭式雅思培训的学院全方位了解 IELTS雅思考试
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杭州学雅思,杭州雅思培训班,杭州专业雅思培训经典格言:杭州雅思培训,A good name keeps its luster in the dark.。小编为大家准备了雅思口语Part 2:这位全民偶像,坚强得让人佩服!,该话题也是本季变题季的话题!
雅思口语Part 2:这位全民偶像,坚强得让人佩服!
1雅思口语Part 2话题
Describe your favorite singer or actor.
You should say:
Who he or she is
What his or her personality is like
What kind of style his or her music or acting belongs to and explain why you like him or her.
2雅思口语Part 2话题参考文本
It reminds me of my idol, Angela Chang. She is definitely the idol of many people who were born in the 1980s and 1990s. At that time, her song Invisible Wings became popular all over the country. And with her unique voice and solid singing skills, she was once the best female singer in China. Although she stopped her career at the best age of her life for several years for some reason, she appeared again in front of everyone and she has changed into a stronger, more confident, and powerful woman, like the queen of a diva.
I have to say she looks petite and sweet, and when she starts to sing, people might have that stereotype that her vocal is going to be cute and nice, however she totally belted it and opened her voice, and everything was just like pouring out of her mouth in a beautiful way. She’s embracing her womanhood, and she’s not trying to be something she’s not. Anyway, she’s so amazing, that I will always be there as her loyal fan.
1. Stereotype n. 模式化观念(或形象);老一套;刻板印象
2. Petite adj. 娇小可爱的,小巧玲珑的
3. Embrace v. 欣然接受,乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉(宗教、信仰等)
4. Womanhood n. 成年女子的状态