航空港剑桥雅思学校,郑州学雅思 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。(巴里摩尔)。郑州新航道学校,25年专注雅思提分。新航道教育的教学模式运用了国际先进的测评体系和严谨科学的模拟题库,在短期内专业有效地帮助学员,不仅关注学员起点水平,更加关注学习进程,随时调整课程设计,匹配综合能力,帮助学员高效实现预期目标,达到出国的标准。 郑州雅思培训,郑州雅思培训班,郑州学雅思哪家强,郑州新航道雅思培训励志语录:你们之所以喝鸡汤,是因为肉被别人吃了。航空港剑桥雅思学校,郑州学雅思。
航空港剑桥雅思学校,郑州学雅思考试即战场,不打无准备的仗,there is a saying that goes: Chances favor those prepared. 机会总是留给哪些准备好的人!如果你裸考到6分,别和我扛,因为你本身基础就已经很厉害,超过80%的雅思口语备考学生如果是准备好说不准首战还可以有0.5的提升空间!
接下来来讨论如何在备考过程中快速搜集有效idea,保证思路一通百通,举一反三,考场上临场发挥0失误,so as to guarantee excellent performance. 确保高分稳拿!
Part1话题稳定在30-35个topics话题,以生活中考生基础信息,兴趣爱好和生活经历为主出发,涉及话题范围较广,但是有迹可循,in order to speak fluently without obvious hesitation in this part, some popular ideas can be borrowed here.想要part1流畅,内容充分,通用素材必不可少。
即每一个季度都会出现的接替角度,可以copy, paste粘贴复制,重复使用的核心素材,话不多说,上题!
1、Do you like visiting museums? Why?
2、How often do you visit museums?
3、Are there any museums in your hometown?
4、Do you think there should be more museums in your hometown?
High culture一直是很多candidate惧怕的点,music, art, history, handwriting, gallery, museum,等等数不胜数,每一季度都以新面貌出现迭代来吓考生。
Fear no more!别害怕,这个题套路非常明显,从“知识性”角度回答可以轻松拿到高分!
这个时候常见的知识性的词伙就十分关键,平时背的熟,记得牢,考场上直接临场发挥也可以score easily !
Time to learn some popular expressions to do with knowledge learning.
broaden one’s horizons/perspectives
open one’s minds
enlarge our knowledge scope
enlarge our friend circle
informative and educational
Do you like visiting museums?
Absolutely, I am a culture vulture文化秃鹰 (回答)
And especially I am crazy about history museum.(例子)
The reason why I am a big fan of visiting museums is that it's a wonderful way for me to get informed of学习 our historical and cultural heritage文化遗产 and soak up吸收 different histories and cultures from different periods and enlarge our knowledge base拓宽知识面 (原因)
只有 经典结构+通用词伙搭配使用,才能保证答案输出的词汇,句型,以及连贯性的高分体现。否则很容易出现表达一盘散沙!
Moving on to part2,part2题型多样,题目量大,2分钟独白要求也是让很多人惧怕的原因,in order to make it easier and more efficient for most candidates to prepare for topics in this part, experience sharing can play an important role here.
The job I'd wish to have for a short period overseas would be a tour guide working in a travel agency.
Since I'm planning my further education abroad in Britain next year and it would feel only reasonable to think about having a working experience there too. I believe it can complete my experience living abroad.
The reason why i prefer to be a tour guide is threefold. First of all, language-wise , it's a good opportunity to practice and get a good commend of a foreign language, which can be quite necessary and also an extra bonus for future work and life needs.
Another reason is that it's a good way to have access to local culture and history cause I would have chances to travel in different countries and visit hot tourist attractions which allows me to soak up the local culture and history to get a better understanding of the land.
Not to mention that it's a great way to shape my world view in a long term being able to get to meet people from all walks of life and different cultural backgrounds and exchange minds with them.
Last but not least, Part3是的高分的后一道坎,想要拿到6+,part3坚决不能掉链子,如何在短时间内快速搜集难点话题关键词,this is a tricky question!
一旦关键词整理到位,学生课堂模考效果6+以上,语速流利度明显提升,内容的充实度较高,学生没有明显语塞的痕迹。所以备考的关键是Be prepared in advanced.提前做好准备。Wish all of you all good luck!
郑州雅思培训,郑州雅思培训班,郑州学雅思哪家强,郑州新航道雅思培训励志语录:慈悲不是出于勉强,它是像甘露一样从天上降下尘世;它不但给幸福于受施的人,也同样给幸福于施与的人。——英·莎士比亚航空港剑桥雅思学校,郑州学雅思全方位了解 IELTS雅思考试
考试科目 听力、阅读、写作、口语共四科,四科取平均成绩,满分9分 |
2020年1月开始雅思官方考试,航空港剑桥雅思学校,郑州学雅思 单次报名费用改为2170元 |
考试时间 每月举办1-4场考试,成绩在考试结束后5-7个工作日后查询 |
IELTS 是为申请赴英语国家留学 移民的学生评定英语能力 |
真题范例:剑桥真题 5 Test 2 Section 2 Question 12
Dan’s neighbor was successful in business because he
A employed carpenters from the area.
B was the most skilled craftsman in the town.
C found it easy to reach customers.
本题答案: C。
原文录音: My neighbor’s business was business was unusually successful, and for years I couldn’t understand why. Then I realized having a bike meant he could get where he wanted to go without much trouble. Other local carpenters could only accept jobs in a three-kilometer radius, so no matter how skilled they were; they could never do as many jobs as neighbor.
破题密码: 本题难度适中,但出现了很多干扰信息,平时如果只靠“只字片语”来判断答案,这类题目就很难拿分了。
原文:Then I realized having a bike meant he could get where he wanted to go without much trouble.(我意识到他有了一辆自行车就意味着他可以无阻碍地到任何他想去的地方。)
答案C:found it easy to reach customers.(感到找到客户很容易。)与听力原文相符,所以答案C正确。
干扰信息: 答案A:employed carpenters from the area.(雇佣了当地的木匠)
答案A中的carpenters 会在原文录音中听到,但原文中“Other local carpenters could only accept jobs in a three-kilometer radius”译为:其他当地木匠只可以在方圆3公里(半径)内找到工作。根本没有提到雇佣,所以答案A错误。
答案B:was the most skilled craftsman in the town.(是城里手艺最好的工匠)答案B中的skilled会在原文录音中听到,但原文中“so no matter how skilled they were, they could never do as many jobs as neighbor.”译为:无论他们的手艺多么精湛,他们都不能和邻居做一样多的工作,与答案B中的意思相差很大,所以答案B错误。
以上就是雅思听力2大超高频题型的做题技巧的全部内容,同学们都掌握了吗?关于雅思听力中的填空题和选择题,其实还有很多其他的做题技巧,比如我们常说的利用定位词快速定位的技巧,同义词替换的技巧等等。这些都是针对某一个特定的考点而衍生出来的做题技巧。 郑州雅思培训,郑州雅思培训班,郑州学雅思哪家强,郑州新航道雅思培训励志语录:Great oaks from little acorns grow.航空港剑桥雅思学校,郑州学雅思。