鼓楼的雅思培训机构,开封学雅思开封雅思培训,开封雅思培训班,开封学雅思哪家强,开封新航道雅思培训励志语录: 苦难是磨练人的好机会。。嘉兴新航道学校,25年专注雅思提分。新航道教育的教学模式运用了国际先进的测评体系和严谨科学的模拟题库,在短期内专业有效地帮助学员,不仅关注学员起点水平,更加关注学习进程,随时调整课程设计,匹配综合能力,帮助学员高效实现预期目标,达到出国的标准。开封雅思培训,开封雅思培训班,开封学雅思哪家强,开封新航道雅思培训励志语录:瀑布对悬崖无可畏惧,所以唱出气势磅礴的生命之歌。鼓楼的雅思培训机构,开封学雅思。
鼓楼的雅思培训机构,开封学雅思雅思口语part2 Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing
You should say:
Where you bought it
How often you wear it
What it is like
And explain why you enjoy wearing it
Part 3
What’s the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of old people?
Do the people living in south China (warmer) wear different clothes from the people living in the north (colder)?
Do you think students like to wear uniforms?
When do people wear formal clothes?
Well, I would like to tell you about a pair of ripped jeans that are my favorite item among all the things I have in my wardrobe.
You know, I bought them for an unbelievably cheap price a long time ago in a second-hand clothing store. At that point, ripped jeans were really popular and everybody in my school was keen on them. So, whenever I put these jeans on, I felt really stylish and thought I really stood out from the crowd. After a while though, trends started to change, but I refused to abandon my jeans. I wore them almost everywhere, from home to school and only changed them for formal events such as a ceremony or a wedding. Sometimes I even slept in my jeans because they were so comfortable.
Actually, it is quite easy to understand why I fancy these jeans so much. Firstly, they instantly create a stylish and fashionable look for the wearer. Secondly, jeans are easy to mix and match and I can wear them with heaps of different shirts without worrying about looking ridiculous in other people’s eyes. And lastly, denim is so tough that it can’t be torn, so I can have them for a long time and save a great deal of money.
All in all, I love my jeans and cannot get through a day without them. I think such an item should be made trendy again so that the youngsters nowadays can really get to know their awesomeness.
What’s the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of old people?
Older people are often uninterested in fashion and more interested in what looks good on them or what is comfortable. They want you to say “you look very nice” rather than “that is a nice outfit”. They often find the idea of “fashion” a manipulaton to make people buy more stuff.
Fashion is for the young. Older people already have a full closet of things they like.
Do the people living in south China (warmer) wear different clothes from the people living in the north (colder)?
Do you think students like to wear uniforms?
The vast majority of kids don't want to wear school uniforms. The reasons why kids don't want to wear school uniforms are diverse, from School Uniforms Are Ugly,Uniforms Aren't Flattering to School Uniforms Restrict Individuality.
When do people wear formal clothes?
开封雅思培训,开封雅思培训班,开封学雅思哪家强,开封新航道雅思培训励志语录:丈夫志四海,万里犹比邻。——曹植《赠白马王彪》鼓楼的雅思培训机构,开封学雅思全方位了解 IELTS雅思考试
考试科目 听力、阅读、写作、口语共四科,四科取平均成绩,满分9分 |
2020年1月开始雅思官方考试,鼓楼的雅思培训机构,开封学雅思 单次报名费用改为2170元 |
考试时间 每月举办1-4场考试,成绩在考试结束后5-7个工作日后查询 |
IELTS 是为申请赴英语国家留学 移民的学生评定英语能力 |
I was really amazed by ….我被…震撼了。
I was really amazed by the Forbidden city in Beijing.
I was really amazed by the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.
I was impressed by……我对…印象深刻。
i was impressed by the West Lake in HangZhou.
I was impres ssed by his English.
I felt adj./done感到…
I felt relaxed & refreshed 感到被放松,被清新
I feel pressured 感到被压迫
I feel content 感到满足
I feel satisfactory 感到满意
我所想说的是…… The thing I want to say is that…
The thing I want to say is that modern-day people are much keener on travelling rather than staying at home during holidays.
我上次所看到的主要是是……The thing I saw last time was mainly that…
The thing I saw last time was mainly that tourists nationwide all queue up for each pavilion in great order inside the 2010 World Expo Park.
我所珍惜的自由是……The freedom that I cherish is that…
The freedom that I cherish is that I now live on my own, independently managing my study & leisure time, not living with my parents & their nagging any more.
我所要提一提的是……The point that I want to say is that…
The point that I want to say is that the living standard & the consumption level are much better and higher than those two 20 years ago.
所进入我脑海的第 一点是……The first thing that sprang into my mind is that…..
所进入我脑海的而第 一点是古建筑可以让访问它的人鲜明的学到历史而不是从书本上。
The first thing that sprang into my mind is that visitors to those historic buildings can learn history in a vivid way rather than from a book.
之所以……是因为……The reason why…is because…
The reason why I want to become a professor in a university in UK is because I hope to deliver Chinese culture in western countries.
The reason why we Chinese students have to learn English well is that it can provide us with more opportunities & wider stage for development.
由于这样一个事实……This is due to the fact that….
Modern-day people should go to the gym regularly. This is due to the fact that exercise can stretch our bodies, muscles and ligaments, for those who sit for too long, sports can really do good to their spines.
这是因为……It is because…
We can try to eat more vegetables and fruits, it is because they are full of vitamin & fiber, helping our digestion & metabolism system.
1,test number事先要把你的号码用英语读得非常流利
2,name告诉他你名字的特殊含义,还有最好是告诉他你的family name
3,student or work,程度,where are you study?
4,what major?Do you like it?why?plan after graduate?
5,food, the most like food (dislike food), describe healthy food, eating bobby, eating habits? How to change your eating habits?
6,what kind of food do you like? Why? Do you find any problem in food nowadays? Are people pay more attention to the health food? Compare the people’s food habit in modern time and in the past?
7,music, like or dislike music? Which kind of music do you like? Why?音乐对人的情绪有影响吗?小孩应不应该学乐器?你有没有玩过乐器?which song do you like? When do you listen to the music? What difference between china music and western music?
8,weekend, what do you do at the weekend? What would you like to do at the weekend? What is the most important thing at your weekend?两天的weekend够不够?
10,seasons, the most like season? Why? What do you do in that season?介绍你住的地方的气候。And so on~
11,traveling. Have you ever been any other cities in china before? do you like travelling ?why?do you like travelling alone or with other people? who &why?
12,photograph, do you like photograph? what kind of photograph you are taking? What kind of photograph on your home wall?
13,a school of your childhood?
16,reading, do you like reading? When to read? How often?
17,hometown.swheresis your hometown?你现在住在什么地方?为什么住那里?以后想搬家吗?如果有一个very nice flat, but no air-conditioner,你愿意住吗?