金水6月雅思培训,郑州学雅思,郑州新航道培训是一家专业的雅思培训机构,成立于1998年,总部位于北京。郑州新航道培训目前已在全国30多个城市设立了分支机构,拥有一支优秀的教师团队和完善的教学体系。郑州雅思培训,郑州雅思培训班,郑州学雅思哪家强,郑州新航道雅思培训励志语录:谁对时间最吝啬,时间对谁越慷慨。要时间不辜负你,首先你要不辜负时间。放弃时间 的人,时间也放弃他。金水6月雅思培训,郑州学雅思。
郑州新航道培训秉承“让每个学员都能考出理想的雅思成绩”的教学理念,致力于提升学员的英语水平和考试技能,帮助学员实现自己的留学和职业梦想。郑州学雅思,郑州专业雅思培训,郑州雅思单项培训,郑州雅思一对一,郑州新航道励志语:It take courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.长大,成为你自己,是件需要很大勇气的事情。金水6月雅思培训,郑州学雅思。
金水6月雅思培训,郑州学雅思#雅思口语Part2 话题
Describe a time when you got up early
You should say:
When it was
What you did
Why you got up early
And how you felt about it
When it was ?
What you did ?
Why you got up early ?
And how felt about it ?
The first thing I want to say is that I hardly ever get up early, so when I do it must be something important.
So the nearest occasion when I had to be up early was last year when I took the IELTS test. It started at 8 in the morning so naturally I had to get up at 6. When I got out of the house it was still dark outside. It took me 20 minutes by motorbike to arrive at the hotel where the test was going to take place. Some other test takers had already come and were sitting inside the lounge, all looking quite drowsy and nervous.
I found myself a seat and started taking out a book to read. I normally find it useless to cram right before a test so I just do something to relax. At 8 everyone was called into a large meeting room where the organisers would have a short presentation on the test process. We were all required to leave our personal belongings outside the exam room.
Anyway, the test went well and I got the result I needed. I think I could’ve done better if I hadn’t been sleepy at the start of the test.
P3 早起经历
# Do you know anyone who likes to get up early?
Yes, my elder brother likes to get up early. He has this uncanny knack of waking up during the wee hours. According to him, he is a morning fighter, and during the early hours, he has enough willpower to finish his pending works at a rapid pace.
# Why do people get up early?
The prominent reason for getting up early is to get a lead in terms of work. Those who get up early have the advantage of being ahead of others concerning taking care of the pending tasks. Those who get up late are often less efficient as compared to the early risers. Moreover, fitness freaks get clean and pristine air whenever they walk in the early hours. Apart from this, our willpower is at its peak during this time.
# What kinds of occasions need people to arrive early?
Whenever we have to catch something which runs according to a timetable we need to come early. For instance, while boarding a train or a flight, it is prudent to reach before time. Apart from this, we stop ourselves from being anxious by reaching before time for meetings, and interviews etc.
# Why do some people like to stay up late?
Those people who are night fighters have this habit of getting up late. Such people often work for late hours and hit the sack at midnight. Due to this reason getting up early is a daunting task for them.
morning person 早起的人
shuttle bus 班车
pull an all-nighter 熬夜
groggy 昏昏欲睡的
internal sleep clock 生物钟
consistency 稳定
tiredness 困倦
yawn 打哈欠
productive 效率高的
ponder 估计
雅思常规班 |
雅思精品6.5分大班 雅思入门6.5分大班 |
雅思精品7分大班 雅思入门7分大班 |
雅思精品6分大班 雅思入门6分大班 |
雅思考前速递大班 |
雅思小班 |
雅思口语单项班 |
雅思写作单项班 |
雅思词汇班 |
雅思听力阅读 |
雅思一对一 |
雅思入门6分小班 |
雅思精品7分小班 雅思入门7分小班
雅思精品6.5分小班 雅思入门6.5分小班 |
雅思考前速递小班 |
金水6月雅思培训,郑州学雅思 郑州学雅思,郑州专业雅思培训,郑州雅思单项培训,郑州雅思一对一,郑州新航道励志语:人可以有理想,但不可以过度幻想。。