宁波新航道培训秉承“让每个学员都能考出理想的雅思成绩”的教学理念,致力于提升学员的英语水平和考试技能,帮助学员实现自己的留学和职业梦想。 宁波学雅思,宁波专业雅思培训,宁波雅思单项培训,宁波雅思一对一,宁波新航道励志语:好好的管教你自己,不要管别人。北仑出国培训雅思学校,雅思专业机构。
北仑出国培训雅思学校,雅思专业机构本期节目话题背景 | 哪个瞬间,父母最让感到你骄傲?父母是世界上跟我们最亲近的人,也只有父母能够不计回报地为我们付出,不过我们好还是不好,他们总会把我们当做骄傲。
雅思口语Part 2话题范文
本期Part 2 话题
Describe an occasion when you were proud of your parents.
You should say:
What the occasion was
When and where it happened
What your parents did
And explain why you were proud of them.
I remember this one time, I was really proud of my dad when he played the guitar in front of all the students of my high school. Growing up, I had always heard my dad has talking about how great he was at playing the guitar. But to be honest. I wasn’t convinced at all. I mean, he is a business person, and I have never heard him playing at home or even practiced. So basically, the story was that I played the piano for my high school orchestra, and they were organizing an event called Parents’ Talents show. Because I was pretty good at playing the piano, so the school asked me if my parents had any musical talents. So I came home that day and asked my dad if he wanted to play in front of my school. And surprisingly he accepted it quite graciously.
In the beginning, I felt kind of nervous because what if he sucked, then everyone would laugh at me, because he is my dad. Then for the next couple of weeks, I expected he would at least practice but he didn’t. He still went on his day like usual. Then when that day came, he took his guitar and drove me to my school with my mom. On our way up there, I had butterflies in my stomach, but he didn’t seem to be nervous at all.Then finally the show started and he was the fifth person to go on, and when he played, I was shocked that how good he was. He played for about 3 minutes, and I actually forgot what he played, but all my friends were looking at me and their facial expression like “oh my god, is that your dad?” And at that moment, I couldn’t have felt more proud of my dad.
1. orchestra 乐队
2. laugh at 嘲笑
3. have butterflies in sb’s stomach 忐忑不安宁波雅思培训,宁波雅思培训班,宁波学雅思哪家强,宁波新航道雅思培训励志语录:美的欣赏是可以意会而不可以言传的;这随各人的心境志趣嗜好而不同。北仑出国培训雅思学校,雅思专业机构。
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