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2025年4月29雅思大作文题目The best way to improve road transport safety is to let the drivers test each year.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
高分范文及解析IntroductionRoad safety is certainly an important issue, which is linked to not only the drivers but everyone else on the road. To improve safety, there is a list of ways, and my firm conviction is that testing drivers each year does not have much of a role to play in this. 解析
Ø 本题是一道对题,涉及到关键词“the best way”,拿到这类题站“disagree”一方会比较好写Body Paragraph 1To some extent, periodic re-testing works. >总分< Since most drivers seek a license at a young age, they may have let their guard down now on the road. Think about that: walking in front of a less-than-properly-skilled driver with vague memory about railroad crossing signals, the risk of an accident is certainly not low. In this case, taking the test and associated courses is a way of refreshing their memories with the latest driving laws and regulations. >转折< However, it is far from the best way. 解析
Ø 考驾照肯定有用,但它并不是的方法。Body Paragraph 2>支撑解释1< Whether the government could provide enough testing capacity is the first question. To meet the need, it seems pressing to build a huge amount of examination sites and equip more staff, which is quite money-consuming and thus unfeasible. >支撑解释2< Even if the government manages to do this, there is another worry: people would be weary of test preparation. They need to spend months a year reciting theoretical knowledge and practicing driving, and this is quite energy-consuming. 解析
Ø 本段开始质疑“年年驾考”的可行性
1. 政府能够提供足够的考试名额吗?
2. 人们是不是每年都要耗费大量的精力考试?
Body Paragraph 3Rather, the government can use other ways to improve roadway safety, such as harsh punishment and modern road design. >总分< Zero tolerance for transgressing drivers helps, which would see fewer of them drink-driving and more of them yielding to pedestrians. Road designs, including more roundabouts, adequate street lighting, and separated sidewalks for pedestrians, traffic lanes for drivers, are all effective approaches to reduce collisions and injuries. 解析
Ø 本段提出更合适的两大措施
1. 对违规司机“零容忍”
2. 道路设计ConclusionIn conclusion, asking drivers to take driving tests yearly would go some way to improve road safety, but it is too unfeasible for the government to conduct. Therefore, I tend to think that safety depends more on enacting stricter punishments on those who offend driving laws and on redesigning roads.解析
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