富阳辅导班雅思培训2025年6月19日雅思大作文示范写作 :他们为什么不躺平?
In education and employment, some people work harder than others. Why do some people work harder than others? Is it always a good thing to work hard?
内卷:rat race, involution
躺平:lie flat
Some people are always more industrious than others in academic study or at work. On the face of it, there could be several reasons why this is the case, but is it always a good thing?
industrious 勤勉的 adj.
on the face of it 乍一看
Body Paragraph 1
For the reasons, firstly, there is a clear connection between diligence and success. In this competitive world, being more hard-working, the one is more likely to excel other ambitious ones around and grab more opportunities, thus earning more as a reward. This payoff is a priority to many people as they all have to cover fees for housing, food, and health care, and wish to maintain a reasonable quality of life. Some others simply enjoy what they are studying or working on, to whom passion is the major incentive not to slack off. To know that they have given as much energy as they can to the course or career appealing to them is fulfilling in itself.
先回应第1个问题:why some people work harder?
diligence 勤奋n.
excel 胜过 v.
grab 抓住 v.
priority 首要任务 n.
maintain 维持 v.
incentive 动力 n.
slack off 懈怠
fulfilling 满足 n.
Body Paragraph 2
Although some people advocate industriousness for what it can bring: material gain and a feeling of satisfaction, I would argue that there are some hidden pitfalls if one is too immersed in study or work. For one, people who frequently push themselves to the limit tend to suffer more from stress and fatigue, as too much physical and mental exertion is draining them. For another, it may undermine people’s sense of job security and satisfaction. This is because some of them, eager to get their hard work noticed and recognized, would be plagued and view their study and work less positively if they fail to receive enough appreciation.
回应第二个问题:is it always a good thing?
industriousness 勤勉 n.
pitfall 隐患 n.
immersed 沉浸的 adj.
fatigue 疲劳 n.
drain 使精疲力竭 v.
undermine 渐渐降低 v.
plague 折磨、苦恼 v.
In conclusion, some people work harder for a reasonable quality of life or self-fulfillment. However, it seems that there would be some problems if they work too hard, and therefore, I think it could be better, sometimes, to cut themselves some slack.
cut oneself some slack 放自己一马
更多托福课程、雅思课程、雅思写作单项突破、留学规划、四六级课程、PTE课程、多邻国课程、A-level课程、GRE课程,或者有任何疑问,欢迎联系新航道广州学校。不知道大家有没有听说过许渊冲,他是我国有名的翻译家,从事文学翻译工作60多年。他在国内外出版中、英、法文著译六十多本,包括《诗经》、《楚辞》等中国古典古籍,也包括《红与黑》等国外名著,被誉为“诗译英法唯 一人”。他对翻译的热爱让我敬仰,所以今天,我想来聊一聊许渊冲老先生。
雅思口语Part 2:翻译界泰斗许渊冲!
本期Part 2 话题
Describe an old person you admire.
You should say:
Who this person is
How long you have known him/her
What qualities he/she has
And why you admire him/her.
Xu Yuanchong was one of the most respected translators and translation theorist in China, who was born in 1921 in Nanchang, the provincial city of Jiangxi in China. And this legendary translator celebrated his 100th birthday on April 18. So it is no exaggeration to say that he devoted his whole life to classics translation.
He had been a professor of literature translation at Peking University since 1983 and written and published many English works such as A Brief Bibliography of English translation on classical Chinese poetry. In 2010, he won the Lifetime Achievement Award in Translation in China. Also, he was the first Asian winner of the “Aurora Borealis Prize” for Outstanding Translation of Fiction.
Throughout his career, he went to great lengths to pursue the beauty of language. It’s not easy to keep a translation as beautiful as the original. But Xu Yuanchong dedicated his life to creating a better translation of Chinese literature, regarding translation as an art not a science. Therefore, English and French-speaking readers can better understand our Chinese culture and feel the beauty of Chinese.
1.legendary adj. 传奇的
2.devote to 致力于
3.dedicate to 奉献
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