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2018-01-11 14:53:25  人气:4975


绍兴新航道雅思托福培训学校24小时咨询热线:400-6169-615   QQ1378779299,绍兴新航道英语文化:新航道以“我坚持,我成功”为精神内涵,提出并坚持“创新、学术、励志、激情”的教育理念,凭借着深厚的学术功底、务实的教学作风、强劲的研发能力和旺盛的进取精神迅速在行业当中脱颖而出,从教学内容、教材研发、授课质量、环境服务等多个方面创立了全新的标准,从而引领中国英语培训业全面升级,为广大中国学生创建英语成功之道。更多课程预约免费试听体验课请致电值班老师!!

1Do people in your country enjoy going to open-air markets that sell things like food or clothes?

  Well, people generally prefer to go to outdoor markets as prices tend to be a lot cheaper and they can get a bargain and negotiate prices with street vendors. You can find items ranging from fruits and vegetables to toiletries like shampoo and soap. The sellers normally sell things with the help of a cart. Sometimes, you may also see things being laid out on the ground in front of you.tipsstreet vendors 街边小贩

  2Which type of market is more popular? Why?

  Nowadays, you can see newly-built malls springing up around the country and people are starting to gravitate towards these places, especially the younger ones. I mean, you can generally find everything in one place at the chain supermarkets here. However, prices are obviously higher there but in spite of that, they're still gaining popularity among locals.tipsnewly-built adj.新建的spring up 出现 涌现gravitate v.被吸引chain supermarkets 连锁超市

  3Do you think young people feel the same at market as older people? Why is that?

  To be honest with you, shopping can be more of a social experience rather than people going to buy something they want and then go home. In general, however, I tend to see more young people going to modern looking shops to get things simply because the brand names are more recognised. It may be that the younger generation favours the comfort and convenience of finding something they need from big supermarkets and getting a brand they can trust. The older ones, on the other hand, tend to be more price aware. Many don't really care about the quality of the product they buy and from where they get it, as long as it's a bargain. So, yeah, I think those are the basic differences between young people and older people when it comes to shopping.tipsmore of 更多favour v.喜欢

绍兴新航道雅思托福培训学校24小时咨询热线:400-6169-615   QQ1378779299,绍兴新航道英语文化:新航道以“我坚持,我成功”为精神内涵,提出并坚持“创新、学术、励志、激情”的教育理念,凭借着深厚的学术功底、务实的教学作风、强劲的研发能力和旺盛的进取精神迅速在行业当中脱颖而出,从教学内容、教材研发、授课质量、环境服务等多个方面创立了全新的标准,从而引领中国英语培训业全面升级,为广大中国学生创建英语成功之道。更多课程预约免费试听体验课请致电值班老师!!

