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浏览人次:393次 发布时间:2021-03-17

价格 13380起
班型 34课次/136课时 10人
赠送 代报名服务
每周循环开班 平时班:周一至周五 正课:9:00-12:00 13:20-16:20 辅导时间 16:30-17:30 周末班:周六至周日 正课:9:00-12:00 13:20-16:20 辅导时间 16:30-17:30。


    在 托福听力考试 复习时有针对性地熟悉和掌握一些托福听力中的重要高频背景词汇非常有必要,下面 杭州新航道托福 小编为考生们将托福听力对话常见词汇整理出来,为大家分享托福听力备考指导,可以提前对问题进行分析备考,减轻考试压力,早日取得好成绩!

    1.东西丢了:lost the key,can"t found the note

    2.剃头:hardly bald, hairstyle change for not covering the eyes, cut curl hair

    3.搭车:pick up the third one atthe airline, give me a ride to theoffice

    4.穿衣: a jean and T-shirt forinterview is casual, clothes is wet before theconcert

    5.花需要光: put the flower to thewindow, the bookcase will preventthe sunlight, need the fresh

    6.忘了: slip my mind, forgot to give the note to someone

    7.图书馆: spend the whole day inthe library, make the photocopy atlibrary, meet at the library, return the books to the library, library is abetter place to study

    8.室友: looking for a roommate, roommate should apologize, roommate istoo noisy,

    9.吃的:fish can"t be eat, berry is a bush even for a bird, bread is overtoasted, vegetables are overcooked, bread may be in therefrigerator,

    10.借东西: lend me calculusbook(calculator), borrow the money fromcheck, borrow car for shopping

    11.天气:clean up for picnic, cold enough for skating, snowing toomuch to fly, so hot that we need anair conditioner,

    12.作业能否完成:wait till the last minute, chemistry test without time for reading, fill out the financial aid form without the priority, paper extended to the next week

    13.第三者: have done it for me

    14.排队: magazine to kill the time, read the magazine twice, go early fornot queue

    15.得病看医生: need another doctor, it is open till 10 at the health center, take the pill the doctor assigned,

    16.没空帮忙: can"t give you a ride dueto the meeting tomorrow morning,

    17.锻炼减肥: lost weight, two blue clothes but one with the large size

    18.电影或音乐会: see the concert twicemake sense again, sell ticket to you sothat you come with me, lectured bysome professor is worth watching,

    19.还书: return so as not to payfine, help me return the books,

    20.重新考虑以前的决定: reconsideryour decision,

    21.转让: movie ticket

    22.加入社团: garden club, find another committee member to replace,

    23.认不出来: beard, bother is different,

    24.住房: find an apartment under500 dollars, find a larger apartment, live nearer to the campus

    25.放松: join a entertainment clubfor leisure, spend more time outdoors,

    26.约会: (appointment), reschedule one of the appointment

    27.关门了(过期了): museum closed, cafeteria closed,

    28.照相: film run out, film not processed, film not good

    29.同去: come /go with me

    30.太吵: too noisy, can"t concentrate


新航道托福培训师资:彭铁城;所授学科: 新航道国际教育集团首席教育专家;教育背景: 新航道国际教育集团首席教育专家,美国著名语言教学专家,麻省大学应用语言学硕士,纽约大学计算语言学博士,回国前任微软美国总部研究院计算语言学家。1984年留学美国,在美期间,曾在麻省大学、纽约大学、西雅图学院、绿河学院等美国高等院校任教达十年之久,主要从事英语, 托福教育工作,并先后参与纽约市教育局英语教学大纲、英语教材等书籍的编写工作。 1988年至1993年,取得纽约州及华盛顿州的英语教师执照。1998年加盟荟萃全球科学巨子的微软总部研究院,主要从事自然语言处理,包括中文句法检 错、机器翻译等研究与开发。


    托福口语对大部分托福考生来说是比较难攻克的一部分,但是同学们也别轻易放弃。下面 杭州新航道 小编就来跟大家探讨一下怎么啃下托福口语这块硬骨头。
    1. 同义词替换。在被中国学生用烂了的英文单词中,think和important应该高居榜首,因为在我们的独立作文中某人“认为”和某事“很重要”这两个意思实在是太常出现,在一篇文章甚至一段中都要用到多次。那最简单的避免重复的手段就是平时积累一些同义词汇进行替换。比如,I think可以替换成I believe, I hold, I support, I advocate, I sustain等等,记住四五个替换词,在一篇文章中应该就足够用了。
    2. 词性变换。还是承接上面的例子来,important这个单词可以说让中国学生又爱又恨,爱的是不能没有它,恨的是为什么只有它。用同义词替换的话我们可以用crucial, vital, essential等词替换,那么换一种方式的话,我们可以把中心词语的词性替换一下。比如形容词换成名词。举个例子,Economic development is the most important aspect. 可以把important换成importance, 如果economic development也已经在前面提到过了,还可以把economic development变成develop economy,那么整个句子就变成Developing economy is attached the most importance. 想不出同义词的时候,我们可以试试能不能把中心词的词性变换一下。
    3. 解释扩展。对于实在不知道如何变换的情况,我们还可以对词义或者句意进行解释扩展,甚至可以收到更好的效果,比如一个排比句。来看例子。To the poor people, organic food is almost a luxury. 这句中的poor,我想替换掉它,又想不出合适的同义词或者词性变换的方法,我就可以把poor进行扩充——穷人有什么表现呢?To those who are burdened with their house loan, who buy clothes in second-hand markets, who fret about their bills, organic food is almost a luxury. 这句话就变成了对于那些被房贷压得喘不过来气,在二手市场买衣服,为各种账单发愁的人来说,有机食品几乎是奢望。
    4. 句式变换。除了以上词的重复外,句式单一重复也是中国学生的几大弱点之一。我们可以适当改变语态,加入强调等等。例如:My social life brings me great happiness. 我们可以变成Much of my happiness is brought by my social life.或者It is my social life that brings me great happiness.


新航道托福培训师资:倪艳弘;所授学科: 托福写作主讲;教育背景: 主要教授托福写作课程,多年英语教学经验,所带学生逾千人,上课亲切细致,教学态度耐心幽默,亲和力强,与学生关系融洽,且注重学生的个性化发展以及学习积极性的增长,让学生在夯实学习基础的同时进一步提升英语学习兴趣,帮助学生切实提高英语写作能力,认为”保持学习的人最美“。