在第二部分开始前,考官会先说明题目要求,例如:“And now here’s your topic. I’d like you to talk about a news story that interested you.”
nuclear disaster (核灾难)
safety (安全)
radiation – vegetables – traces (辐射-蔬菜-痕迹)
contamination (污染)
wind (风)ocean (海洋)
tsunami (海啸)media (媒体)
A news story that real ly impressed me in 2011 was about the nuclear disaster in Japan, in Fukushima. Um, I remember very clearly that night, when the news came out, I was at a bar in Shuang jing, and we started getting news. People were receiving news on their phones. Some people were trying… onto the net. They were going online, and I know my first reaction was to call my mum and to ask her to close the windows in the house and also I remember texting my best friend who has a young brother and, you know, sort of saying to her, “Hey, you need to check out what’s happening online. Maybe there’s a nuclear disaster happening in Japan.” And in fact here in China we were lucky. I mean the wind blew a lot of the, um, the radiation into the ocean rather than towards us here, but even in China they found there had been some traces of radiation in vegetables. But I mean it was an absolutely terrible disaster and the Japanese people were…
Actually my dad has been to Sendai. It’s so heavily populated… The whole of Japan, it’s not a very big country in terms of landmass, but it’s got a big population, and people were overwhelmed. That tsunami, terrible… The farmers that lived in that area, I mean they couldn’t leave their land because otherwise who would feed their animals and so they just had to kind of sit there and hope for the best. So it was a terrible disaster, and of course it has made people all around the world much more cautious about nuclear power… Um, I saw on CCTV 9 that people in Europe are worried about nuclear power at the moment too, and they want to get rid of their nuclear reactors.
1) 注意news 和story 要连读。
2) 表示要结合个人的经历来谈论,增加了生动性及可信度。
3) 进行时态是中国学生时常忘记使用的时态。
4) 一句话中进行不同时态的转换,可以起到放慢语速的作用。
5) you know 用来填充思维出现的短暂空白。
6) 不关注新闻就很难积累到radiation(放射)这样的词汇。
7) rather than 表示转折,这种表达对中国学生来说比较新颖。
8) there be 句型和完成时态的结合,表示一种客观事物已存在一段时间。
9) 表示程度严重的时候,heavily是比较合适的选择。另外,“大雨”是heavy rain 而不是big rain。
10) overwhelm 表示受到了程度比较大的打击,同时具有强调结果很严重的意味。
11) 说明该考生兴趣面很广,因为他不仅知道福岛的情况,也知道其他国家对此事的反应。
考生是如何应对这一话题的呢?他谈到了自己对该事故的反应、灾难对中国潜在的影响、灾难对日本人的影响以及可能对欧洲产生的影响。要做到这些,考生平时就要积累大量的信息。考生是在福岛核事故发生后参加雅思口语考试的,所以对这个事件并不陌生,仍记得风将放射物吹入了海洋,并在中国的蔬菜中检测出了核辐射物(traces of radiation 让人印象深刻)。
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