乐清春季雅思培训,温州雅思备考大家好,新航道小编今天要为大家送上的口语干货是2025年一季度雅思口语话题Part 2中的Describe a toy you liked in your childhood,描述童年你喜欢的一个玩具。不知道细心的同学们有没有发现,Toy(玩具)这个话题一直是雅思口语题库里Part1和Part 2的常客。而且,让考生觉得最头疼的地方是,明明大家的童年有那么多玩具,可是要用英语来描述这个话题的时候却无从下手。
雅思口语1-4月新题Part 2:描述一个你童年喜欢的玩具
▶ 乐高:Lego
▶ 拼图:Jigsaw
▶ 桌游:Board Games
▶ 魔方:Magic Cube
▶ 积木:Building Block
▶ 变形金刚:Transformers
▶ 橡皮泥:Plasticine
▶ 洋娃娃:Dolls
▶ 毛绒玩具:Stuffed Toys
▶ 遥控车/飞机:Remote control car / plane
一般问到玩具的材质,考生也会觉得比较难回答。事实上是考生把这个问题想复杂了,你只需要简单说出材质即可,因为在Part 2中材质不是重点,它只是能够帮助你拓展话题的一个方向而已。但是,一些常见材质的词汇也是考生必须掌握的,例如:
▶ 塑料:plastic
▶ 木质:wood / wooden
▶ 金属:metal
▶ 橡皮,橡胶:rubber
▶ 靠电池运转的:battery-operated
▶ 防水的:water-proof
通常在Part 2做总结的时候,题目要求一般会问该话题下的感受和评价。针对Toys玩具话题,考生一般的思路要么是这个玩具好玩,要么是这个玩具陪伴了自己童年很长的时间。
▶ It helps in boosting my IQ and EQ.
▶ It enhances the development of problem-solving skills.
▶ It improved my concentration.
▶ Learning how to play with others through compromise, conflict resolution and sharing.
▶ Nurturing my creativity and imagination.
▶ It does enhances development of my senses.
▶ It also helps me to discover my independence.
其实大家不难发现老师的用词都不难,而且这些词汇都是大家耳熟能详的,所以对于Part 2的话题来说最重要的就是针对不同的话题积累不同的素材。那么接下来,老师就为大家送上一篇Part 2玩具的范文供各位考生参考:
I'd like to share with you one of my favorite toys which is Lego. It was my 8-year birthday gift given by my parents. I remember when I was a kid, I always loved the toys I could use to build something.
I think everyone knows about how to play Lego. Basically, you have blocks of different shapes that you can interlock together to build something. Think about some of your favorite places to go, whether it's a museum, someone’s house, or a national landmark, then use you imagination to create it on your own. Or build themed sets is a lot fun. For example, if you have a themed pirate set with a boat and a beach, try changing the landscape and creating a forest instead.
I loved playing with these toys because it taught me how to build things. It was a creative outlet. This activity is also really good for exercising my ability to think 'outside the box' and imagine new solutions to familiar problems. Plus, part of the fun playing with Lego is spreading them out all around you and letting your imagination run wild. So, to be honest, I'm crazy about it.
Well, that’s the toy I wanna share with you. Thank you.
▶ interlock,动词,意为“连结”,在文中指的是乐高每一块可以连结在一起
▶ outside the box,意为“跳出思维定式之外”,在文中指玩乐高可以充分发挥你的想象
▶ run wild,意为“尽情奔跑”,在文中也同样是指玩乐高可以充分发挥你的想象,可以看做是outside the box的一个同义替换说法
温州雅思辅导,温州雅思6分班,温州雅思6.5分培训,温州雅思7分班,温州新航道雅思培训经典格言:人生的光荣,不在永不失败,而在于能够屡仆屡起。——拿破仑乐清春季雅思培训,温州雅思备考全方位了解 IELTS雅思考试
考试科目 听力、阅读、写作、口语共四科,四科取平均成绩,满分9分 |
2020年1月开始雅思官方考试,乐清春季雅思培训,温州雅思备考 单次报名费用改为2170元 |
考试时间 每月举办1-4场考试,成绩在考试结束后5-7个工作日后查询 |
IELTS 是为申请赴英语国家留学 移民的学生评定英语能力 |
温州雅思辅导,温州雅思6分班,温州雅思6.5分培训,温州雅思7分班,温州新航道雅思培训经典格言:故智之所贵,存我为贵;力之所贱,侵物为贱。然身非我有也,既生,不得不全之。。Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that these problems cannot be solved if individuals do not take action. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Are environmental problems so big that individuals cannot make any contributions to resolving them? The answer is absolutely “No”. Instead, the issues cannot be addressed without individuals’ joint efforts.
①Government are more capable than individuals in protecting the environment. Agree?
② Some people argue that individuals can do something to save the environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
③ Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
? joint adj. 联合的;共同的
Body 1
Admittedly, it is justifiable for some to advocate that individuals can do little, since solving environmental problems, as a global issue, requires nations, organisations, companies, and individuals to get involved. Compared with average people, who can merely persuade others to follow the rules and norms, the governing authority possesses the legislative power to enact strict laws, issue corresponding policies, and effectively enforce them in order to safeguard the environment. For example, heavy fines can deter both institutions and individuals to behave properly. In comparison, individuals are not empowered to require others to do so.// However, what average people do cannot be ignored.
让步:解决环境问题涉及广泛,需要各个群体加入,而个人所能做的事情在政府面前确实较小,因为没有政府的立法权和执法权。// 反驳:个人所作所为不可忽视
? norm n. 规范;准则
? legislative adj. 立法的
? enact vt. 制定(法律)
? enforce vt. 实施,使生效
? safeguard vt. 保护
? deter vt. 威慑
? empower vt. 授权〔某人或某组织做某事〕
Body 2
As a matter of fact, only when average citizens take certain actions will the effects brought by laws and rules be maximised. To illustrate, even though heavy fines can serve as a deterrent, people may comply with the minimum environmental requirements set out by law owing to either the absence of a sense of responsibility as being qualified planet-mates or the failure to compromise with their convenient lives which are partly based on the sacrifice of natural resources. In this case, the aforementioned laws and rules cannot be as effectual as expected. For example, charging for vehicle taxes may reduce the usage of private cars to some extent, while big differences can be made if the owners leave their cars in the garage voluntarily.
? deterrent n. 威慑物
? comply with vi. 服从;遵守
? compromise vi. 妥协;让步
? effectual adj. 奏效的
In a nutshell, though the government have greater capability in coping with environmental problems by enacting relevant laws and rules, they are not as effective as expected without endeavours of individual citizens.
? endeavour n. 尝试;努力
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