泰顺封闭雅思 培训机构,温州雅思备考
泰顺封闭雅思 培训机构,温州雅思备考雅思口语#Part2 话题
Describe a movie that you like
You should say:
When you watched it
Where you watched it
What it was about
And explain why you like it
说到电影呢,也算是雅思口语Part 2里面非常经典的话题之一了。聊电影的时候,考鸭们的用词还是相对有限的。首先我们要简要中文答题构思。先说出喜欢的电影名字再介绍一下看此电影的时间和地点,以及介绍电影的大致内容,最后阐述一下喜欢的理由,理由合理即可。下面为大家整理了有关“喜欢的电影”的词汇,一起往下看吧~
When you watched it ?
Where you watched it ?
What it was about ?
And explain why you like it ?
I don’t tend to watch as many movies as I used to just because of the time pressures I have at work nowadays. However, there was a movie I saw a couple of years ago that I absolutely adored. When I lived in New York, I used to see a lot of live musicals. There’s something really special about seeing performers live on a stage that’s often lost when a musical is made into a movie.
This movie is the exception to the rule in my book. The Greatest Showman is a movie that was released a few years ago and I had goosebumps when I was watching it. The music together with the cinematography was outstanding and brought the whole performance alive. The movie itself won quite a number of awards and was critically acclaimed, which I believe was well deserved.
The plot is a fairly standard rags to riches story that documents the triumphs as well as the struggles that the protagonist faces. In many ways the plot embodies the American dream, and showcases the idea that equal opportunity is available to anybody and that the highest aspirations and goals can be achieved. Of course, like any good Hollywood movie, it has a happy ending. This kind movie is one I especially like. When I’m going to see a movie, usually I want something lighthearted and easy to follow. I’m usually going to see a movie in order to unwind, and this was no exception.
I remember I went to see it with a friend who’d been dying to see it ever since he saw the trailer. We saw it in a special VIP cinema that had extra comfortable and roomy seats, unlimited popcorn and soda, and an all-you-can-eat buffet before the movie. It was one of the few VIP cinemas in Europe, and it definitely beat the standard experience hands down.
I loved the movie so much that I went back a week later to see it again. I’d already added a few of my favorite songs from the soundtrack to my playlist and had been practically listening to them onloop, and singing the songs to myself in the shower.
P3 喜欢的电影
# Are flms a waste of money?
No, watching movies isn't a waste of time. You can learn a lot from movies. You get to know about cultures, art, history of places and it's people, their aspirations, their inspirations, their likes, horrors, dislikes, love, war, oddities, whims and so many other things. 2.
# Are movie stars important to a movie?
Yes, drawing upon their own memories and emotionally connecting with them, actors use this “sense memory” to allow their characters to come to life, giving a very realistic performance.
# Are foreign movies popular in China?
Yes, all sorts of films. Hollywood blockbusters, action movies, superhero movies, crime and detective, police dramas, romance… Lots of different genres, really. If I was asked which are the most popular out of all of these, I’d have to say Hollywood Blockbuster action films and superhero movies. These are still really popular with Chinese young people.
# Is it important that a country has its own movies?
Yes, my country has come on in leaps and bounds with its film industry. Although in my honest opinion I think we are copying the Hollywood model too much and films are losing their sense of real meaning. But, yes, the film industry is a big industry in China and an important part of our modern cultural developments.
cultural value 文化价值
propaganda 宣传
star 明星
Visual effect 视觉效果
horror movies 恐怖片
suspense movie 悬疑片
romance 爱情片
comedy 喜剧片
historical films 历史片
science fiction 科幻片
温州雅思辅导,温州雅思6分班,温州雅思6.5分培训,温州雅思7分班,温州新航道雅思培训经典格言:无论你觉得自己多么的了不起,也永远有人比你更强。泰顺封闭雅思 培训机构,温州雅思备考。
提供海外语言标化考试(雅思、托福、PTE、多邻国等)培训,海外入学标化考试(SAT、ACT、GRE、 GMAT等)培训,综合英语(剑桥英语通用五级、剑桥英语(FOR REAL教材)等),大学生英语(四六 级、考研英语等)培训等。温州雅思培训,温州雅思培训班,温州学雅思哪家强,温州新航道雅思培训励志语录:书卷多情似故人,晨昏忧乐每相亲。——于谦泰顺封闭雅思 培训机构,温州雅思备考。
新航道雅思,温州新航道多年来与各大官方保持密切关系,于2014年成为 雅思官方合作伙伴,2020年成为雅思官方“IELTS SpeakUP项目”合作伙伴。泰顺封闭雅思 培训机构,温州雅思备考温州雅思辅导,温州雅思6分班,温州雅思6.5分培训,温州雅思7分班,温州新航道雅思培训经典格言:存平等心,行方便事,则天下无事。怀慈悲心,做慈悲事,则心中太平。。
新航道雅思,温州新航道携手各大著名出版社,出版学术著作,其中《雅思精品》系列、《雅思高阶》系列,《雅思集训》系列、泰顺封闭雅思 培训机构,温州雅思备考《雅思热身》系列、《雅思突破》系列、《剑桥雅思全真试题15解析》等书籍受学子欢迎。
提供国际教育综合服务,包括国际学校择校及入学备考,国际学校GPA课程,QS世界大学100院校读本服务,海内外升硕服务,课外活动和背景培养项目,海外留学申请及境外服务、留学前海外标化考试(雅思、托福、GRE、GMAT)及综合英语培训。——孔丘泰顺封闭雅思 培训机构,温州雅思备考。