海盐辅导机构 雅思,嘉兴学雅思
海盐辅导机构 雅思,嘉兴学雅思2025年1月9日 雅思大作文题目
The spread of multinational companies and the resulting increase in globalization produce positive effects to everyone.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Globalization is not a new concept, and it seems to have brought endless benefits to the nooks and crannies of people's lives via the operation of multinational companies. While personally, I am skeptical about this opinion.
? 由于题目中出现了“everyone”这一表述,故对题目的观点进行否定
? nooks and crannies:到处
? skeptical:持怀疑态度的
The emergence of multinational companies is a striking evidence that globalization is reaching practically every part of the society. From an economic perspective, this phenomenon has indeed brought unprecedented dynamism to each participant, which accelerates the exchange of capital, talents and technology. Thus, on the one hand, developing countries can acquire more advanced experience in production and management, thereby promoting the growth of local industries, and on the other hand, developed ones can boost the economic efficiency of enterprises to gain immense profits consequently.
? 作让步,全球化是能够带来产业要素的快速流动,帮助发展中国家和发达国家实现各自的需求;
? unprecedented:前所未有的
? dynamism:活力
However, the disadvantages of this trend are also distinct. One of the most influential phenomena is the possible occurrence of monopolies in the economy. Although globalization has led to the prosperity of economic returns, most of the foregoing economic elements are in the hands of multinational companies, especially the core technologies that are hardly known to the outsiders. This may lead to the dominance in a certain field and the lack of competition for those companies, which is not conducive to the formation of a sound economic ecology. Besides, environmental pollution is also one of the repercussions of this change. With large-scale factories set up and cheap labor force employed, most transnational companies, in order to cut costs, choose to invest in developing countries to carry out production, and the wastes produced by such production will largely incur irreversible effects on the local environment and threaten the health of local people. This is not in conformity with the course ofsustainable development.
? 反驳从两个层面入手:一是对经济,特别是发展中国家的经济会造成不利影响。二是会带来环境污染的问题;
? monopoly:垄断
? foregoing:前述的
? conducive:有利的
? ecology: 生态
? repercussion:(不良)影响
? incur:招致
? irreversible:不可逆转的
? conformity:遵从
? sustainable:可持续的
In conclusion, although globalization has brought great convenience to modern life, I still believe that not everyone can benefit from this trend. The demerits it brings cannot be ignored.
? 同样以让步+反驳的形式结尾
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