石家庄alevel培训哪个培训机构好 A-Level培训,A-Level培训机构,A-Level培训课程,A-Level培训辅导励志格言:自信是向成功迈出的第一步。--爱因斯坦石家庄alevel培训哪个培训机构好。
石家庄alevel培训哪个培训机构好A-Level考试被定位为“全球高考”,被全球160多个国家和地区的11000多所大学认可。新航道锦秋A-Level中心由于在课程设计、教学成果、品牌影响力等方面取得的突出成绩,荣膺爱德思考试局颁发的2019年度“卓越贡献奖” A-Level培训,A-Level培训机构,A-Level培训课程,A-Level培训辅导励志格言:白首壮心驯大海,青春浩气走千山。--林伯渠石家庄alevel培训哪个培训机构好。
石家庄alevel培训哪个培训机构好 A-Level培训,A-Level培训机构,A-Level培训课程,A-Level培训辅导励志格言:如果爱,请深爱;如不爱,请离开。石家庄alevel培训哪个培训机构好。A-level经济学中经常混淆的概念!
发布时间:2020-12-22 关键词:A-level经济学中经常混淆的概念!
摘要:商品分类(goods classification)和生产资料(factors of production)是A-level 经济学里章就会涉及到的内容,两种分类方式分别是public&private goods 和 merit&demerit goods。它们又都和政府有着息息相关的联系,政府需要时刻监控不同种类的商品的供应和消耗来确保社会的健康运行。
商品分类(goods classification)和生产资料(factors of production)是A-level 经济学里章就会涉及到的内容,两种分类方式分别是public&private goods 和 merit&demerit goods。它们又都和政府有着息息相关的联系,政府需要时刻监控不同种类的商品的供应和消耗来确保社会的健康运行。
生产资料分为四种:土地、劳工、资本和企业家,其中又数企业家的作用比较抽象。掌握好它们之间的联系对在A-level 经济学拿到高分有至关重要的作用。下面我们通过真题看看关于商品分类和生产资料的问题的问法和解题思路。(CIE考试局)
(a) Outline the functions of the factor enterprise in a modern economy, and explain how enterprise responds to a rise in the demand for a good.
(b) Discuss why some goods and services are provided by private enterprise and others are provided by the government in a mixed economy.
Part 1 审题分析
关键词是:factor enterprise。
问题翻译过来就是,在现代经济中,列出企业家作为生产要素之一的作用并且解释当需求增加时,企业家会作何应对。我们应该从knowledge and understanding 和application 两个角度来分别回答作用和反应。
关键词是:private enterprise 和government。
Part 2 逻辑梳理
我们先看(a)部分,从knowledge and understanding的角度来说,我们应该回答factor enterprise 的functions : organization and risk taking。
在analysis部分,我们应该讨论私有经济和政府如何生产merit&demerit 和public&private goods。
在evaluation的部分,我们要讨论private sector 和government 生产不同商品的效果如何。
Part 3 解答
(a)Enterprise as a factor organizes other factors like land、labour and capital to work collaboratively during process of production.
The other role enterprise plays during production is to take the risks of potential failure. (组织其他生产资料和承担风险)As demand for a good rises, enterprise is likely to increase the supply by hiring more labour or investing more.
Consequently, the price of the good is likely to increase as the cost of production rises. (企业家通过雇佣更多的劳工和增加投资来提高产量;会带来价格增加的后果。)
(b)private goods are exclusive and rivalry while public goods are non-exclusive and non-rivalry. Generally privet enterprises produce private goods to maximise their profits and public goods are provided by government like national defense and health care to maximise social welfare. According to merit and demerit goods, merit goods refers to the consumption of which leads to positive externality, but negative externality is associated with the consumption of demerit goods. Private enterprise tend to produce both merit and demerit goods due to greater profit. Therefore, over-consumption and over-provision may arise if demerit goods are consumed over too much; and social welfare would decline. In the other hand government are likely to provide as much merit goods as possible due to its positive externality which would increase the total social welfare.
(解释商品的分类;私有经济和政府如何提供不同的商品和所带来的后果;该题目提到了mixed economy 不需要过度解读,只是在告诉我们不是完全的市场或者计划经济体制)
Part 4 课后练习
(a) Use examples to illustrate the difference between private goods and public goods, and explain why only private goods wi ll be supplied in a free market economy.
(b) ‘The factor enterprise and the free working of the price mechanism always ensure a satisfactory outcome for consumers even when imperfect information exists.’Discuss this view.
同学们,如果这个知识点你已经充分理解了,那就根据我们的思路解答一下这道真题吧,注意不要将public&private goods 和 merit&demerit goods这些概念再混淆了。 A-Level培训,A-Level培训机构,A-Level培训课程,A-Level培训辅导励志格言:前人栽树,后人乘凉。石家庄alevel培训哪个培训机构好。
新航道锦秋A-Level中心的教师团队由资深的A-Level教育专家和业内知名的英语教师组成。他们有丰富的教学经验和深厚的学科知识,能够为学生提供精准、专业的辅导和指导。同时,他们还具备温和亲切的教学风格,能够营造积极的教学氛围,帮助学生更好地理解课程内容,提高学习效果。石家庄alevel培训哪个培训机构好 A-Level培训,A-Level培训机构,A-Level培训课程,A-Level培训辅导励志格言:人生就是一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的应该是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。。
总之,新航道锦秋A-Level中心以优质的师资力量、科学的教学方法和完善的辅导体系为基础,为学生提供高质量的A-Level教育,帮助学生实现自己的梦想和目标。石家庄alevel培训哪个培训机构好 A-Level培训,A-Level培训机构,A-Level培训课程,A-Level培训辅导励志格言:欲虽不可去,求应有所节。。