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关键词:香港紫荆学院(深圳)福华学校香港高考 香港紫荆学院(深圳)福华学校香港高考 香港紫荆学院(深圳)福华学校香港高考
香港高考,即香港中学文凭考试,简称HKDSE。是香港教育局于 2012 年 3 月起在新学制体系下,面向合格的中六/高中毕业生或自修生,建立的一项国际性综合选拔评估考试,由香港考试及评核局(考评局)统筹负责,考试时间为每年的3月至5月。DSE报考没有户籍,学籍限制,成绩全球认可,是升读中国香港、中国内地、海外名校大学的黄金赛道。
Hong Kong College Entrance Examination, also known as the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination, abbreviated as HKDSE. It is an international comprehensive selection and evaluation examination established by the Hong Kong Education Bureau in March 2012 under the new education system, aimed at qualified high school graduates or self-taught students. It is coordinated and managed by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Bureau (HKEAA), and the examination period is from March to May each year. DSE with no registered residence, student registration restrictions and globally recognized results, is a golden track for entering famous universities in Hong Kong of China, Mainland of China and overseas.
School Candidates 学校考生考生为已获批准参加应届文凭试之香港注册学校或香港境外符合资格的学校之中六(或等同中六)正读生;及在考评局所记录该校之注册地址上课
Bona fide Secondary 6 (or Secondary 6 equivalent) students of registered schools in Hong Kong or qualified schools outside Hong Kong approved for participation in the HKDSE; andstudying at the registered address of the schools as per HKEAA'S record.
Private Candidates 自修生但凡符合下列其中一项条件者,可以自修生身份参加文凭试:曾应考文凭试,或相等考试,或以考试年度的1月1日计算,已足19岁,或非修读文凭试课程,但于考试前一年已修毕或正在修读由考评局决定为等同中六之课程
A person may enter for the HKDSE as a private candidate provided hee has satisfied one of the following requirements:Sat the previous HKDSE or an equivalent examination, orReached the age of 19 by 1 January of the respective examination year, orCompleted or is currently pursuing a non-HKDSE curriculum equivalentto Secondary 6 as determined by the HKEAA in the year preceding the examination.
CATEGORY A - 甲类高中科目:包括中文、英文、数学、公民与社会发展四大核心科目,以及物理、化学、世界历史、经济等多个选修科目。
Senior Secondary subjects: including four core subjects: Chinese Language, English Language. Mathematics, Citizenship and Social Development, as well as multiple elective subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, World History, and Economics.
CATEGORY B - 乙类应用学习科目:共有52个科目,当中包括三个应用学习中文科目(非华语学生适用)。应用学习科目不设公开考试,考生须遵从课程提供机构订定的规定及评核要求完成有关评估课业。考评局负责调整最终成绩。
Applied learning subjects: There are a total of 52 subjects, including three applied learning Chinese subjects (applicable to non Chinese language students). There is no public examination for applied learning subjects, and candidates must comply with the regulations and evaluation requirements set by the course provider to complete the relevant assessment coursework. The evaluation bureau is responsible for adjusting the final score.
Candidates studying applied learning subjects must apply for the relevant subjects in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination through their school before their assessment results can be released.
CATEGORY C - 丙类其他语言科目:法语、德语、日语、西班牙语、印地语、乌尔都语、韩语。
Other Languages subjects: French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Hindi, Urdu, Korean Languages.
报考组合Subject Combinations
In general, HKDSE candidates would take four core subjects plus two to three elective subjects. Candidates may take up to a maximum of eight subjects. These subjects may come from any of Categories A, B or C.
DSE adopts a horizontal reference model to report the evaluation results of candidates, and each subject follows a clear and fixed set of standards to report the performance of candidates.
甲类 - 高中科目Category A - Senior Secondary Subjects
The HKEAA is responsible for the grading of Category A subjects and Standards-referenced Reporting is adopted to report candidates' assessment results with reference to a set of explicit and fixed standards of performance.
Except for Citizenship and Social Development, candidates' performance is reported in five levels(1-5), with 5 being the highest. The highest-achieving level 5 candidates are awarded level 5**. the next highest-achieving level 5 candidates are awarded level 5* and there maining level 5 candidates receive simply level 5. Performance below the level 1 standard for a subject is designated as 'Unclassified'.
The results of Citizenship and Social Development are reported in one level, 'Attained'. Achievements below 'Attained' are designated as 'Unattained'.
Results designated as Unclassified' or 'Unattained' will not be reported on the HKDSE certificate.
乙类 - 应用学习科目Category B - Applied Learning (ApL) Subjects
Except for ApL Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students), three levels of performance are reported including 'Attained with Distinction (II)', 'Attained with Distinction(I)' and 'Attained'. Performance below 'Attained' is designated as 'Unattained' and is not reported on the HKDSE certificate.
For ApL Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students), there are two levels of results, i.e.'Attained' and 'Attained with Distinction'.
丙类 - 其他语言科目Category C - Other Languages Subjects
2024 HKDSE or Before:Results are reported in five grades (a-e) on the HKDSE certificate with grade e being the lowest and grade a being the highest. Achievements below grade e are designated as 'Ungraded' and are not reported on the certificate.
Starting from 2025 HKDSE:Different reporting systems are adopted by the official language examinations. Candidates'results obtained in these examinations at the stipulated proficiency level or above will be included in the HKDSE Category C results and reported on the HKDSE certificate.