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关键词:八里街雅思单项培训费用,雅思. 雅思单项 八里街雅思单项培训费用,雅思.
八里街雅思单项培训费用,雅思. 雅思口语考试中的高频话题,是雅思考试准备必不可缺的一个方向。雅思口试主要考察的是对英语语言的运用,看你是否能够没有障碍的交流。这不仅对于雅思考试来说是很重要的一项技能,对于出国留学以及移民来讲,都是非常实用的一个技能。因为我们的母语不是英语,所以对于英语语言的氛围或多或少的并不是很熟悉。那么,想要通过雅思考试并且得到一个比较高的分数,有什么捷径可走呢。就是关注雅思题库中的话题,并且事先进行准备和练习。可以试想一下,是在考试中听到考官问的话题是从来没准备过的回答的好呢。还是一听就知道自己事先准备过类似方向,能够稍加改动就可以回答的分高呢。
1. Where do you live?
I live with my parents here in xxx at the moment. To be more exact, we live in an apartment building in one of the northern suburbs of the city. I have my own room and enjoy the privacy that it brings, but I am looking forward to the day that I can have my own apartment. Allow me to explain: they are good parents, and I love them very much, but I would like to be more independent soon.
2. Can you tell me something about the character of the people in your hometown?
Well, they arent any different from the people in any other large city. For example, here we also have good and bad people. Secondly, like everyone else, they are trying to work out a good life for themselves and their children. For example, parents are trying all they can to ensure that their children receive a good education.
3. Can you tell me something about your hometown?
Yes, certainly. xxx is in the northeast part of my country, and the capital of the xxx province. It has about three million inhabitants. It has many heavy industries such as automobile, aircraft, and machine tool manufacturers. In addition, it is rich in history. For example, the xxx invaded the city and committed many atrocities (that is to say many crimes) during the occupation. This is still remembered by many of the elderly folks to this day. Another example that I could mention is the Imperial Palace that belonged to the last dynasty .
4. What places should foreigners visit in your hometown? Why?
Sure. Firstly, I could mention the Great River, which you will find around the city. To the northeast of the city there is the famous Mountains and the zoological park and botanical gardens. In summer it is a popular place to visit and see tigers, bears, wolves, other animals and even pandas in their natural environment. In winter we often go skiing there. Secondly, I would like to mention the Park. It consists of a large park, with many gardens and a lake. In addition it also is the site of an emperors tomb from the Dynasty. Lastly, there are many other sites that are worthwhile visiting. For example, Government (City Hall) Square with the Great Theater alongside it, Java Square, and the spectacular TV Tower, which is the highest architectural attraction in my country.
5. How long have you lived in your hometown?
I come from xxx. My parents have been living here for the past thirty years or so. I grew up here and I attended a well-known school called School number 163. We live in a respectable area with many shops, restaurants, and a variety of other businesses. The people in our building are generally friendly and quite, which makes it a pleasure to live there.
1.Has climate change affected your country?
Yeah, climate change has greatly influenced China. One huge problem is that the air pollution has been going mad for the haze has covered the sky and more people are diagnosed with respiratory diseases. Another issue is that the global warming brings hotter winter which cannot kill may bacteria and let various diseases go.
2.How do weather reports affect people’s life?
Weather forecasts have a huge impact on people’s life. Firstly, people will wear different clothes according to disparate weather. If it is cold, they will add one more piece of coat but if it is hot, they will just wear a T-shirt. Secondly, activities will be determined by weather reports. There are many cases in which school sports meetings are called off because of the unexpected rain.
3.Where can people get weather reports?
People can get to know the latest weather report through a variety of ways. One is to watch TV news. Every day, after the national and international news are introduced, a beautiful hostess will present in detail the recent weather conditions throughout the country. Another approach is to listen to broadcasts, which is especially appropriate for drivers who can know which road is blocked by heavy rain or snow.
4.Does weather affect your mood?
Well, it depends on whether everything goes well around me. If things go smooth, then I will be less likely to be influenced by the environment. I will be in a good mood if I can get a high score in important examinations, be if sunny or rainy. But if I have problems at work or relationship, then I prefer the sunny day, because I feel more frustrated and depressed when it is raining cats and dogs outside.
5.What do people do on rainy days and sunny days?
There are a variety of options for rainy and sunny days respectively. For rainy days, people can engage in indoor activities. They can choose to stay in café to have small talks with their bosom friends while having the coffee and the cakes. For sunny days, they can do outdoor activities such as going for a picnic or playing football.
1.How do you think mobile phones will develop (or change) in the future?
With the development of technology I think mobile phones have become innovative and multifunctional input device, For example Apple has introduced iWatch which allows you to receive SMS, communicate with people and use applications on a watch. Therefore I believe the design of the mobile phone will be drastically altered in the near future, smartphones will use flexible screens, they can be twisted and shaped to perform
2.Is your cell phone important (or, useful) for you in your daily life?
Certainly, I use my mobile phone every day, actually it’s every single day. I am not exaggerating, I can’t imagine how I would be able to survive without my mobile phone. I use it for SMS, calling, Wechat, Microblog and so on. It has already become a must-have for me.
3.Have you ever had any problems using your mobile phone while traveling?
Yes of course, nowadays mobile phones normally come with a lot of features such as SMS, build-in camera, Wi-Fi, Microblog and whatever you name it. There was once I was posting traveling blog on Microblog when I was in Singapore. I realized I couldn’t post it online because my mobile phone couldn’t connect to the local free Wi-Fi. So unfortunately I had to wait until I got back to the hotel.
雅思常规班 |
雅思5分冲6分10人班 |
雅思5.5分冲6.5分10人班 |
雅思6分进阶中型班 |
雅思6.5分进阶中型班 |
雅思名师7分班 |
雅思6分尊享6人班 |
雅思6分进阶6人班 |
雅思VIP班 |
雅思6.5分尊享6人班 |
雅思特训7分6人班 |
雅思8周捷达6分班 |
雅思封闭班 |
雅思全程精讲5.5分班 |
雅思封闭5.5-6分5人班 |
雅思封闭6-6.5分5人班 |
雅思封闭6.5-7分5人班 |
雅思在线班 |
雅思4.5-5分3人班 |
八里街雅思单项培训费用,雅思. |
雅思5.5-6分3人班 |
雅思6-6.5分3人班 |
雅思6.5-7分3人班 |
雅思单项班 |
雅思写作考前集训6人班 |
雅思口语考前集训6人班 |
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雅思考试成绩 复议费 |
第六份 额外成绩单起 |
桂林环球雅思总部成立于1997年,环球雅思现今是朴新教育集团(朴新教育于2018年6月在纽交所挂牌上市,发行股票代码NEW)旗下英文教育机构。环球雅思学校成立于2001年,于2006年9月获得软银赛富基金数亿投资组建环球天下教育科技集团(Global Education & Technology Co., Ltd.),并于2010年10月8日环球教育在美国成功上市,股票代码为GEDU。2011年11月,培生集团以总额约2.94亿美元的价格收购了环球教育的所有流通股,环球教育成为了培生的全资间接子公司。拥有在62个城市从事外语和职业教育培训的连锁学校、50所环球灵童少儿英语连锁学校、从事出国咨询的五湖中视留学公司(环球留学服务中心)和环球精英移民公司2家国家特许资质单位及20个城市下属的环球雅思留学服务分中心、一所容纳千人的环球国际封闭寄宿学院、从事图书教材出版的卓尔英才公司、从事教学研发的环球教学研究中心GTRC、从事教育传媒的环球百年公司、从事教育图文设计的环球美景公司等数十家专业教育机构。
桂林环球雅思培训学校 桂林市芙蓉区环雅培训学校有限公司,20多年来,秉持教育成就未来的理念,专注于为中国学子提供出国语言培训及配套服务。目前,环球教育已构建了包含出国语言培训等课程。
1. 桂林环球雅思机构课程涵盖领域广泛,在雅思、托福、GRE、GMAT、SAT培训等语言培训领域,实行小班教学,按分数划分阶段,每个阶段都有明确的学习目标,每个阶段都有针对性的测试,随时检验学习效果。通过消除考试中的盲点和误区,帮助学生提高成绩。
2. 机构在课程结束后,教师会预留这段时间的家庭作业,帮助学生在业余时间巩固知识,加强记忆;根据学生的考试日期,合理安排真实环境下的模拟考试,并在考试后及时进行点评,使学生充分适应考试环境,学以致用。
3. 机构在教学中应用科学的入学评估体系,实现学生的个性化学习,采用独特的全球实用应试教学模式,关注学生的学习过程,因材施教;核心班和吸收班的教学理念,帮助学生提高学习效果,达到留学的标准。
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