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关键词:通许培训雅思那家好,开封学雅思 培训雅思那家好 通许培训雅思那家好,开封学雅思
通许培训雅思那家好,开封学雅思2025年2月19日雅思大作文题目I 网上获取国际新闻的利弊
More and more people no longer read newspaper or watch TV programmes to get news. They get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a positive or negative development?
It is now very common to see people, especially youngsters, get themselves well-informed about global news through the internet. Personally, I deem this commonplace irresistible and quite advantageous.
老题再现,2025年4月的第 一场考试原题。科技类老生常谈话题,与1月社交媒体的题目也有重合之处(Many people use social media every day to get in touch with other people and know about news events. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?)审题时需注意,获取的新闻是国际新闻,不是身边轶闻。
Body 1
Admittedly, traditional forms, newspapers and television programmes, do have their edges. To illustrate, compared with news shown on the internet, which may be fabricated, the stories reported on newspapers and television programmes are rather authentic, since the strict censorship requires editors and reporters to be certain about minute details. However, netizens sometimes are largely likely to be misled by some idle gossips, and even worse, accelerate the speed of spreading such fake news via modern platforms. However, this can in effect be prevented as long as either the news published online is strictly censored and regulated or readers foster the ability to seek authoritative sources and to distinguish the information they have acquired.
? edge n. 优势
? fabricate vt. 编造,捏造
? authentic adj. 权威的
? censorship n. 审查
? minute adj. 细小的
? idle gossip 无中生有的小道消息
? accelerate vt. 加快
Body 2
As a matter of fact, behind obtaining international news through internet are more gains. For one thing, such mode provides the public with easier access to both the news having just popped up and the one having occurred several decades ago. Taking full advantage of news events’ travelling fast on the internet, netizens can get informed within a few hours or even minutes rather than wait at least half a day until newspapers are printed or programmes are shot. Meanwhile, it is via the internet, an easily-accessible repository of a vast amount of digital information, that netizens can dig the previous events simply by clicking the mouse instead of scanning piles of newspapers. Moreover, the progresses of electronic devices have made it possible to search news via portable palm-sized gadgets, bringing much more convenience.
强调网络的好处:1. 既能第 一时间掌握新闻,又能搜寻旧新闻;2. 便捷
? pop up vi. 突然发生
? repository n. 仓库
? scan vt. 粗略地看,浏览,快读
? potable adj. 便携式的
? palm-sized gadgets 巴掌大小的小器具
In a nutshell, the downsides of getting international news online pale into insignificance when set against its upsides.
开封雅思培训,开封雅思培训班,开封学雅思哪家强,开封新航道雅思培训励志语录:这个世界并不是掌握在那些嘲笑者的手中,而恰恰掌握在能够经受得住嘲笑与批评忍不断往前走的人手中。通许培训雅思那家好,开封学雅思全方位了解 IELTS雅思考试
考试科目 听力、阅读、写作、口语共四科,四科取平均成绩,满分9分 |
2020年1月开始雅思官方考试,通许培训雅思那家好,开封学雅思 单次报名费用改为2170元 |
考试时间 每月举办1-4场考试,成绩在考试结束后5-7个工作日后查询 |
IELTS 是为申请赴英语国家留学 移民的学生评定英语能力 |
阅读材料中不乏数据类,实验类文章。这写出自大师之手或知名期刊的佳作,如若成为学生写作的参考典范,对小作文写作的质量,分数提升,绝不仅仅是负暄之献。在小作文四项评分标准中,阅读对写作的直接贡献,当属GRA(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)和LR(Lexical Resources)。受到中式思维的影响,小作文写作在学生的笔下变成“看到什么写什么”“先构思中文,翻译成英语”或者”背好多个句式,考试套用进去”,从而导致学生文笔并不出彩,作文质量堪忧。那么如何帮助学生在小作文表达方式词汇语法方面-有所提升呢?如标题所示,要做到真正实现读写互通也就是说,看懂并理解阅读文章中数据的表达方式,并且能够总结出亮点句型,简单加工,在相似话题的图形中,实现无缝衔接输出,对于优化小作文的数据表达,大有裨益。
比如数据类图形常见的资源利用,能源消耗,气体排放等相关话题,在C4T2C7T4C9T4C10T1以及历年小作文考题中均有涉及。而这类话题在阅读文章中也并不少见,以C10T1P2(European Transport System1990-2010)的E段为例:
In 1998.energy consumption in the transport sector was to blame for 28% of emissions of
CO2~the leading greenhouse gas.According to the latest estimates, if nothing is done to reverse the traffic growth trendco2 emissions from transport can be expected to increase by around 50% to
1,113 billion tonnes by 2020, compared with the 739 billion tonnes recorded in 1990.Once again,road transport is the main culprit since it alone accounts for 84% of the CO2 emissions attributable to
transport Using alternative fuels and improving energy efficiency is thus both an ecological necessity and a technological challenge
文中占比的表达方式,第1句“在1998年,交通领域的能源消耗占了二氧化碳(主要的温室气体)排放量的28%:中用的是betoblamefor28%”,这是大多数学生并不熟悉的占比表达方式,但是它可以用于大多数表示导致负面结果的单句中。例如在C11T3小作文(如下图)中,要求学生分析不同国家的人均二氧化碳排放量,那么描述英国1976年的人均排放量,就可以表达为UK people(per capita) were to blame for around 11 metric tonnes of co emissions in 1967, leading UK to be the most environmentally unfriendly country of the given four.
另有一些动态图时间轴会从过去延伸到未来,Eg:1980-2030,那么当表示未来趋势的时候,就可以完全参考第二句“if nothing is done to reverse the traffic growth trend.cO2emissions from transport can be expected to increase by around 50% to 1.113 billion tonnes by 2020. compared with the 739 billion tonnes recordedin1990”。例如C9T4(如下图)中的美国能源消耗量分析,当表达petrol and oil 未来趋势时,就可以表达为:if nothing is done to find alternatives , petrol and oil consumption can be expected to increase by around one third to nearly 50 quadrillion units by 2030,compared with the 35 quadrillion unites recorded in 1980。
当然,以上替换效果的完成,离不开学生对于阅读文章的分析,了解,更需要老师给予学生有效指导以及针对性的素材分享。但是一日学生能够真正从阅读中看到数据描写的方向,数据类小作文的高 能 高 分就近在咫尺了。
授课地址:河南省开封市金明区大梁路1号润达大厦5楼509室(大梁路与西环城路交叉口西北角) 预约参观