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关键词:兴宁培训机构雅思英语,雅思 培训机构雅思英语 兴宁培训机构雅思英语,雅思
兴宁培训机构雅思英语,雅思宁波雅思培训,宁波雅思培训班,宁波学雅思哪家强,宁波新航道雅思培训励志语录:人需要有一颗牺牲自己私利的心。 —— 屠格涅夫。宁波新航道学校,25年专注雅思提分。新航道教育的教学模式运用了国际先进的测评体系和严谨科学的模拟题库,在短期内专业有效地帮助学员,不仅关注学员起点水平,更加关注学习进程,随时调整课程设计,匹配综合能力,帮助学员高效实现预期目标,达到出国的标准。宁波学雅思,宁波专业雅思培训,宁波雅思单项培训,宁波雅思一对一,宁波新航道励志语:Truth and roses have thorns about them.真理和玫瑰,身旁都有刺。兴宁培训机构雅思英语,雅思。
A or B ,which one do you agree with? Give specific reasons for your answer.
(A,B 表示供选择的两种观点。Do C 指题目中提及的某件事情。如:some people prefer A in order to Do C.
As for the question that which is better, A or B, different people have different opinions. A has its advantages, but at the mean time, it has many disadvantages.
In my point of view, I would prefer B. First of all, (1) 支持 B 的原因之一。
For example, (2) 举例说明支持 B 的原因之一。
Another reason is that (3) 支持 B 的原因之二。
The third reason, however, goes this way: (4) 支持 B 的原因之三。
So from what has been discussed, one can reach only this conclusion that (5) 重申观点。
Some people believe A, they point out the fact that (1) 人们支持 A 的原因。However, other people believe B. They hold that (2) 人们支持 B 的原因。
As far as I’m concerned, I prefer A. As we all know (3) 我支持 A 的原因之一。
I remember (4) 举例说明。
In addition, (5) 我支持 A 的原因之二。
On the other hand, (6) 从反面论证 A 的优势。
Last but not least, (7) 我支持 A 的原因之三。
As a matter of fact, there are also some disadvantages in A ,such as (8) 举例说明 A 的劣势。But these can be compensated by its advantages.
There are two different views on the matter of DOING C. Some people believe that (1) 支持的观点 A.
By this , they argue that (2) 进一步阐述观点 A.
For example,(3) 举例说明。
Others hold, on the other hand, that (4) 反对的观点 B 。
Furthermore,(5) 进一步阐述观点 B.
For instance,(6) 举例说明观点 B 。
Considering the views on the two sides, I prefer to put weight to the pros rather than cons. personally, (7) 我支持 A 的原因。
以上就是雅思写作双边讨论型作文模板的全部内容,文中的3个模板主要给出了在雅思写作的构文思路中,我们用于表达段落关系和作者观点的一些连接性词语和观点表述的方式。这3个模板都是非常典型的总分总的形式,第 一段开门见山说命题是什么,它有哪2方的观点。中间的段落具体论证2方观点的优劣之处,最后再说出自己观点。宁波学雅思,宁波专业雅思培训,宁波雅思单项培训,宁波雅思一对一,宁波新航道励志语:职场中的升职,并非靠老板而是靠上司。。
宁波学雅思,宁波雅思培训班,宁波专业雅思培训经典格言:宁波雅思培训,白首壮心驯大海,青春浩气走千山。--林伯渠兴宁培训机构雅思英语,雅思全方位了解 IELTS雅思考试
考试科目 听力、阅读、写作、口语共四科,四科取平均成绩,满分9分 |
2020年1月开始雅思官方考试,兴宁培训机构雅思英语,雅思 单次报名费用改为2170元 |
考试时间 每月举办1-4场考试,成绩在考试结束后5-7个工作日后查询 |
IELTS 是为申请赴英语国家留学 移民的学生评定英语能力 |
宁波雅思培训,宁波雅思培训班,宁波学雅思哪家强,宁波新航道雅思培训励志语录:春色不须多。——王安石。雅思口语话题总体来说,媒体类(电影,电视,歌曲,文章,书)part 2的话题离不开内容和载体。内容,很明显就是媒体描述的东西,主要包括:
1. 情节;
2. 作者,导演或者创作者,想要通过情节想要表达的思想,目的,愿望等!
今天, 新航道小编就以1-4月的新题为例,讲解一个考生普遍反映有难度的新题!
雅思口语Part 2话题:描述一部让你发笑的电影
Describe a movie you watched that made you laugh
You should say:
What the movie is
When and where you watched it
What the movie is about
And explain why this movie made you laugh
逗乐的,令人开心的:amusing, humorous,
可笑的,滑稽的 (指有意识地产生一种轻松可笑的效果):funny
笑的要命:Laughed my head off,laughed my tears out
大声笑出来了:Laugh out loud
铁杆粉丝:Die-hard fan
Sample answer
Talking about a funny movie which I give a thumbs up is the film Bean. I watched the film a few years ago at acinema near my home.
Basically, the movie depicts someamusing actions performed by Mr Bean.
Here's an example. Mr Bean is out shopping, and he's bought too many items and couldn't squeeze into the driver's seat as his car was fully loaded.
As a solution, he puts a sofa on the roof of his car and decides to control the car from the sofa. He uses 2 mops to control the direction and the speed, one mop was used to control the steering wheel, another mop was used to control the accelerator. As he gets near to his house, he's almost made it home safely, but at the last moment he crashes into a van. His widely-opened eyes and exaggerated facial expression showing shock really made me laugh out loud!
Another funny scene in that movie goes like this, he's being chased by police cars and Mr Bean is using awheelchair which was speedy and equipped with many modern high-tech gadgets and weapons, all hidden from view.
He's driving super-fast like a madman, finally he goes into a building and reaches a lift, where a bunch of old guys were queuing for the lift. All the old age pensioners are giving him evil looks because Mr Bean has jumped the queue, then one of the old men challenges him by saying, 'what do you think you're doing?' Mr Bean looks at that old man with as tern face and presses a button on the wheelchair, guess what? A gun pops outfrom the wheelchair handle and is pointed straight at Mr Bean's accuser, he was gob-smacked and all the old fellows put their hands up.
Although the plot was silly, still, it was just so hilarious! I laughed my head-off, oh man, that was funny.
After watching that movie, I've become a die-hard fan of Mr Bean!
plots = storyline 情节
depict 描述,描绘
lively scene 生动的场景
vivid account 活灵活现的生动的故事
sSecond-to-none performance 无人能及的表演
thought-provoking 引发深思的
the language used in that xx is elegant yetsimple, easy to understand. 语言优雅平实易懂
awesome sound effects 很棒的声音效果
the plots are so real that really draw mein 情节真实令我入戏
struck a chord with… 引起共鸣
以上只是一个参考, 大家可以自行模仿修改一下~这里小编再给大家补充一些相关词汇,希望能帮到大家~
南宁新航道 新航道学校以“我坚持,我成功”为精神内涵,坚持“学术、励志、激情”的教学风格,切实践行“精品小班+全程助教+个性化服务”三大标准
授课地址:南宁市兴宁区朝阳路38号新朝阳商业大厦13层 预约参观