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发布时间:2017-06-25 20:58:21
【杭州环球雅思托福】24小时咨询热线:400-6169-615 QQ1378779299,杭州环球雅思托福培训学校14年来以驰名独特的"环球实用应试教学模式",迅速发展成为具有全国雅思培训、托福培训、SAT培训、GRE培训、四六级培训、外教口语培训、新概念英语培训、夏冬令营,成为第一个中国教育行业旗舰连锁机构,被称为"中国人的英语学习强国"。预约试听体验课及更多课程优惠活动请在线咨询或致电我们值班老师!!
2016年6月4日 托福综合阅写作考题(手工艺)
总论点: What are the real functions of the shafts in the pyramid.
1.Shafts are used 、as ventilation
2.Shafts have religious meaning with their position correspond to the position of stars, which represent god in Egypt.
3.Shafts are the passage ways for the king's spirit to travel to the afterlife.
1.The shafts do not stick out and cannot reach air.
2.The linkage between gods and stars believed by the ancient Egyptians was raised later than the year when the pyramid was built.
3.Many other pyramids used symbolic images on the wall to represent the passageway.
2016年11月26日 托福综合阅写作考题(美术)
总论点: Cave paintings of Lascaux are to ensure the successful hunting.
1.There are subject animals matters in the paintings. Explanation: some animals are for hunting, such as bison, wild horses, and cattle. Some animals are wounded with arrows and spares. Some of migration animals are for hunting. Some animals are seasonal migration for hunting.
2.Human figures in the painting have animals' head. Explanations: some human area in the painting having animals' head for disguising themselves. They could be a hunter wearing a head mask.
3.There is the culture of local people. Explanations: what the animal showed in the painting is the local culture for people to have successful hunting. Animals in the painting have magical power.
1.Some of the hunting animals are not appearing. Explanation: some of the hunting animals are not in the painting, like cats. Reindeers should be in the painting, but they were not in the painting. There were just small group of wounded animals.
2.We don't know the real meaning of the human figure. Explanations: Human figures are not standing up. Someof them were at the back of the animals, like they were sleeping. So we don't know the real meaning.
2.3.They can communicate with animals. Explanation: local people have spirit of animals in the painting. They believe that they can communicate with animals through special ceremonies, so they painted them and hoped the magic power can help their communication.