r1(高分级) r2(强化级)课程
平阳雅思寒假班,雅思.我们知道,雅思口语考试的高分关键在于是否能持续有力的交流,简单的说,就是扩充句子。很多时候,不是同学们不愿意扩充下去,而是走进一个认为扩充句子就是解释原因这样一个怪圈。无论是大家认为简单的Part 1的问题,还是抽象的Part 3的问题,有的时候,甚至是大多数时候,往往是我们自己的回答一步步的把自己逼进了死胡同,好一点的同学则草草结尾,更有甚者回答半途而止。那么,该怎样解决呢?
首先要肯定一点,那些回答问题一步步把自己逼进死胡同的同学,出发点是好的。他们明白要拿到高分就要“能侃”。However, as with anything, benefits do not come without consequences. “能侃”固然好,但是如果任由自己天南海北的一通“乱侃”,等到无法继续下去的时候,才发现问题所在,为时已晚,且无异于搬起石头砸自己的脚。
首先我们来看看Part 1 中,这样一类问题:
Do you enjoy reading?
Do you enjoy watching TV?
Do you enjoy travelling?
等等类似的问题。在这里,一般来说,大部分的同学都会给出一个肯定的回答 Definitely I enjoy travelling / reading / watching TV a lot. And ...
然后,奇怪的事情就发生了。大家都知道光这样一句回答是肯定不行的,出人意料的一致,大家都选择在后面加上一句甚至几句话来解释“为什么我喜欢做这件事情”。于是乎,考官惊奇的发现,无论他问哪个问题,我们的答案都是“可以开阔我的视野 -- to broaden our horizons 等等”,于是考官又等着你来阐明它是如何让你开阔视野的,从而走入死胡同。
难道除了解释原因,解释Why,就没有其他办法扩充句子了吗?当然不是。最简单,最有效,且最有逻辑的办法就是:用频率来告诉考官,你有多么的enjoy it.
For example:
Frequently, From time to time (sometimes) and Occasionally 像这样的3个表示频率的词,即有逻辑顺序(经常,一般,偶尔),也有信服力。
所以:Do you enjoy reading? -- Definitely I enjoy reading a lot. You know, frequently I’d like to read some newspapers, coz I am so curious to know the latest news all around the world. From time to time, I also enjoy reading novels for couple of hours, well, science fiction novel is my favorite type. Occasionally, I read text books, to be honest, I do it only before the final examination. 怎么样,虽然我没有一句话解释为什么,但是够能说明我enjoy reading了吧。
What kinds of sports do you like?
一个“经典”的回答:I like playing basketball, I like watching NBA and I like Kobe. Bryant.
另一个“经典”的回答:I like playing basketball, because ... 于是乎又开始解释原因:它能锻炼我的身体,能让我交到新朋友。。。
试试我们的新思路吧:What kinds of sports do you like?
Well, I believe that boys are all like playing various sports. And i am no exception. Frequently i enjoy playing basketball with my friends, you know, Kobe. Bryant is my favorite star. From time to time, I also go swimming by myself. I feel so relax when i’m inside water. Occasionally, I like bowling, although i just start to learn it, I find it really interesting.
怎么样,不错吧。同理,我们可以看看最近比较流行的一些题目: Who cooks in your family? 试一试吧。
再让我们来看看同学们认为在Part 3 中出现的比较抽象的问题吧。这里用最近出现的关于人物类和事件类几个Part 3 的问题 -- 情亲,友情和爱情的题目作为例子。
先看看这样一个题目:Is there any pure relationship between boys and girls?
面对这样抽象的问题的时候,同学们可以用一种新思路:用故事来回答问题。还是这个题目:Is there any pure relationship between boys and girls?
比如:Well, this is a really tough question, and i think that it really depends on different people. As for me, i am going to explain it to you by telling you a story. When i was a child ... 很明显,在When i was a child 后面,就要开始我们的故事了。让我们来听听看这个故事吧。
When i was a child, i had a female friend who used to be my primary school classmate and we lived in a same community. As a result, we went to school together, did our homework together. And now, i have my own girlfriend and she has her own boyfriend. But we still hang out sometimes. frequently we go shopping, and occasionally we still have dinner together. Therefore, I do believe that there is a pure relationship between boys and girls. 怎么样,用一个故事来给出答案,简单吧。
那么再来一个在大家描述完一场婚礼后,会面对的Part 3 的问题:Do you think that men and women want same thing in a relationship?
是不是很抽象?我们又不是心理学家,无法给出一个肯定或者否定的回答,再去解释它。于是,It is time to tell a story!
.... As for me, i am going to explain it to you by telling you a story. My father always wish my mum to be a housewife, you know just stay at home and take care of us, do some housework. On the other hand, my mum is willing to be more independent, for example, has her own job. And share the family responsibilities with my father. Therefore, I don’t think men and women want same thing in a relationship.
希望这些新的思路对大家有用,还是那句话,最好提高口语的方法不是技巧,而是多多练习,多多开口。平阳雅思寒假班,雅思.温州雅思培训,温州出国语言培训,雅思辅导班、雅思备考,温州环球雅思经典格言: “只要上路,就会遇上庆典。”。
雅思考试备考课程 25年培训经验,温州雅思培训,温州出国语言培训,雅思辅导班、雅思备考,温州环球雅思经典格言:我得到了祝福,正因我得到了祝福,我才能在比赛中有这种表现,我真是太幸运了。平阳雅思寒假班,雅思.。