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集美留学雅思 培训 机构,绍兴雅思备考
发布时间:2024-12-25 07:46:08
集美留学雅思 培训 机构,绍兴雅思备考雅思近期的口语题库中有这样一道题,让描述你最近做的一个艰难的决定。看到这个话题你会想到什么呢?
雅思口语 Part 2 | 你做过哪些艰难的决定?
本期Part 2 话题
Describe a difficult decision you made recently.
You should say:
What it was
When and where you have made it
How it turned out
And explain why it is a difficult decision.
第八季 Episode 40
#3分钟学雅思 Part 2话题 | 描述你最近做的一个艰难的决定。 你都做过哪些艰难的决定呢?大家要格外注意时态的用法,在平时的练习中也要多多积累语料哦!
To be honest, I haven’t made any important decisions recently, but I guess the last time I had to made a difficult decision, or rather a choice, was whether or not I should buy a new computer. Basically, the story was that I bought a new Dell computer for work and already spent about 6,000 on it. It is a good computer, fast, light and quite small. As you know, I usually don’t buy too many electronic devices as I believe it is a waste of money and bad for the environment.
But what’s funny is that right after I bought the new Dell, a new computer game came out and it looked amazing. However, the game is quite graphic intensive so I needed to upgrade my computer again to play it at the maximum resolution. So at that point, it is pretty obvious that I had to buy a new gaming computer which will cost me around 13 thousand yuan again. So this has become a very difficult decision for me to make. Number one is I don’t want to spend that much money. Number two is that I am worried if I buy the new rig, I will spend too much time gaming instead of working. So after debating for two weeks, I have finally decided to get it. But as it turns out, the game is completely boring, so I only played it for couple of weeks before I got tired of it. But new computer is amazing, and now I am using it work.
1. electronic devices 电子设备
2. graphic intensive 图形密集额
3. upgrade v. 升级
4. maximum resolution 最big分辨率
5. rig n. 装备
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