三人行教育网,代理招生网站合作机构 > 学校机构 > 桂林环雅雅思培训学校欢迎您!
发布时间:2024-11-19 10:51:00
许多学校在本科生及研究生自主招生时, 均开始接受雅思成绩,且普遍要求雅思 6 分以上。有些学校或专业,甚至要求更高分数或单科分数,如北外,厦大,复旦,上外,南京大学等。灵川雅思7分冲刺班,雅思.桂林雅思培训,桂林出国语言培训,雅思辅导班、雅思备考,桂林环球雅思经典格言: 行动是通往知识的唯一道路。。
课程名称 适合学员 目标分数
雅思6分直达班 高中英语分数120分 5.5-6分
雅思6分进阶班 入学测试成绩4.5分 5.5-6分
雅思6.5分进阶班 高中英语分数120分 6-6.5分
雅思6.5分直达班 已获得雅思成绩5.5-6分 6.5分
奢华名师7分班 已获得雅思成绩6-6.5分 6.5-7分
雅思VIP 6人班
课程详情 适合学员 目标分数
雅思6分尊享班 入学测试5.5分左右 5.5-6分
雅思6分进阶班 入学测试4分左右 5.5-6分
雅思6.5分尊享班 入学测试5.5分左右 6-6.5分
雅思名师特训7分班 入学测试5.5分左右 冲刺7分
雅思口语考前集训班 口语分数急需提高 口语高分
雅思写作考前集训班 写作分数急需提高 写作高分
桂林环球雅思培训学校 桂林市芙蓉区环雅培训学校有限公司,20多年来,秉持教育成就未来的理念,专注于为中国学子提供出国语言培训及配套服务。目前,环球教育已构建了包含出国语言培训,灵川雅思7分冲刺班,雅思.等课程。桂林雅思培训,桂林出国语言培训,雅思辅导班、雅思备考,桂林环球雅思经典格言:僵卧孤村不自哀,尚思为国戍轮台。——陆游。
Some think that children should start school as early as possible, while others believe that they should start schools at the age of seven. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
as early as possible:早上学的优势,可以从个人和客观环境2个层次说明;
at the age of seven:7岁以后入学,对应前者7岁之前,论证中要体现两者的利弊对比;
While it has long been a controversy whether children should be sent to school before they are seven years old, I would say it is not an either-or question that we can jump to a conclusion without recognizing all possible variables: each view has its justification in terms of the different concerns of individual families.
From the perspective of many parents, the advantages of early school education marry well with their expectations for the next generation. Parents are usually preoccupied with potential challenges which their children will face; for example, the burden of study, the peer pressure from those overachievers in the class, etc. With this in mind, young couples are prone to send their loved ones to school at an early age: young children can be better prepared for some knowledge that needs to be acquired in formative years. One compelling example is the linguistic ability, which is reckoned to be better acquired before the establishment of self-consciousness at younger age. Another beneficiary of early schooling we should not forget is those working parents themselves: by doing so, adults can afford more time and stamina immersing in their own careers, which is particularly important for families living on tight budget.
Plausible though the argument seems, at the other end of the scale stand the opponents who believe that formal education should not start until children are 7-year old, when they reach the age of reason. Parents, due to their obsession with fears from an adult perspective, tend to be oblivious to the feeling of young children, who are not mentally prepared for a new environment and need more accompany from family members than teachers in their preschool years. Another apprehension we cannot afford to ignore is the physical maturity of toddlers. Scientific evidences have shown that human brain has not fully developed to accept advanced skills before the age of seven, which explains why it is legalized as the starting year for primary school in most countries.
In conclusion, it looks to me that it would be simple-minded to label either of the two opinions as more justifiable if we do not take into consideration different circumstances – a flexible combination of the two models could be applied according to the specific needs of individual families.
Controversy 争论
Determinant 决定因素
Justification 合理性
Be preoccupied with 担忧
Overachiever 优秀者
Stamina 精力
Immerse 投入
Obsession 担忧
Oblivious 忽视
Linguistic 语言的
Acquire 习得桂林雅思培训,桂林出国语言培训,雅思辅导班、雅思备考,桂林环球雅思经典格言: 有时,我们不经意地发现:最可爱的礼物往住在星空下才显得更为珍贵。今夜正好星光灿烂,你是否感受到了?愿你像小星星一样明亮绚丽,永远放射出熠熠的光芒。灵川雅思7分冲刺班,雅思.。