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发布时间:2024-10-27 16:50:06
义乌新航道环球雅思口语班义乌雅思首先大家要明确雅思口语part1 和part3的区别,雅思口语第1部分的问答更多的是personal的问题,所以主观的回答, 片面的答案方向都能在接受的范围,但对于雅思口语part 3如果不能将答案general的扩展是一定会丢分的,同学们要特别注意这一点。
雅思口语part3:favorite photo
下面就是针对favorite photo的话题举例的两个part3 的答案参考
1. What’s the advantages and disadvantages of taking photos with smartphones?
思路分析 :优点更容易总结, 例如方便携带,更容易传输;缺点是失去了拍照的瞬间性,很多摆拍的照片没有更多的纪念意义
Well, the first benefit of taking photos with smartphones would be easy transmission. It’s very handy to share a picture with friends as long as there is internet available. It could be even easier if two mobiles are both iPhones, thanks to the airdrop.
Also, compare to the digital cameras which are usually quite bulky, smartphones on the other hand are very portable. And all the functions work automatically which means even if you don’t know anything about photography, there is still good chances to craft nice phones.
Talking about the disadvantages, the only thing I can think of would be that people may not treasure pictures as memories that much as before.
A snap shot serves to crystallize the important moment in your life and that moment lasts for the length of a breath. People are uNPRepared to be filmed and their emotions are open to interpretation afterwards.
But using smartphones, people tend to take several at the same time with the same pose, and to filter out the best one. I think it lose the real meaning of recording the true life to some extent.
2. What is the benefit of learning painting for children?
思路分析 :发展孩子的想象力从而培养他们的创造力是学习绘画带来的最直接的好处,同时也可以让孩子还学去欣赏生活中的美好,进而更加尊重生命。
First of all, painting is the easiest way for children to express their imagination. So learning to do that would definitely strengthen their ability to think outside of the box which is significant for their later lives.
because imagination is the basis for creation and innovation, one can’t achieve more in any aspects without it. Apart from that, learning painting could be the best way to teach kids to appreciate beauty and therefore to treasure life.
雅思口语Part3 被认为是debate的形式,如果答案准备的不够全面充分就很可能会遇到被考官“质疑”追着问的情况,所以如果在最开始的回答时就可以尽量完整,那就不会给考官留下“穷追猛打”的机会啦!
义乌雅思辅导,义乌雅思6分班,义乌雅思6.5分培训,义乌雅思7分班,义乌新航道雅思培训经典格言:一分耕耘,一分收获;要收获的好,必须耕耘的好。义乌新航道环球雅思口语班义乌雅思全方位了解 IELTS雅思考试
考试科目 听力、阅读、写作、口语共四科,四科取平均成绩,满分9分 |
2020年1月开始雅思官方考试,义乌新航道环球雅思口语班义乌雅思 单次报名费用改为2170元 |
考试时间 每月举办1-4场考试,成绩在考试结束后5-7个工作日后查询 |
IELTS 是为申请赴英语国家留学 移民的学生评定英语能力 |
* 非数据图:流程图
* 类型一:制作工序
* 注意有“循环”
# Introduction
Shown in the diagram is the procedure of recycling plastic bottles. Overall, the process is moderately complex, consisting of a number of steps. 第 一句划线部分是一个倒装形式,当成套话记住。提醒注意:动词的单复数由后面的内容决定。第二句话陈述图的宏观情况。通常说来,就是说一下这个流程的复杂程度。
# Body
写主体段之前,老章的重要提示是:不要傻乎乎的每个步骤单独写,关系紧密(或者特别简单的)的步骤可以合并一起写。第 一句是图中三个步骤合并写:First, used plastic bottles are collected in recycle bins, and then transported to a recycling center – where those bottles are sorted. 第二句就是图中步骤三和四合并写:When being sorted, some of them are tossed, and the rest are kept and compressed into blocks. The next step is crushing the blocks into small pieces, and those pieces fall into a tank/basin in which they are washed. At the following step, an apparatus produces plastic pellets from those washed pieces. Then, with heat applied on them, those pellets are melted, and the molten substance is molded and becomes the raw material – fresh and neat plastic. 多样的句子主语或者句子开头是语法得分的重点。同时注意各种状语、定语、同位语,也是语法得分必备点。当然,黄色高亮的部是值得注意和记忆的名词、动词。
接下来可以分段(分段的原则是关系的亲疏,肯定不要在流程的关系紧密处分段,而是到了一个大的节点处分段)。The new plastic is then either made directly into end products – new bottles and containers, or used for making clothing, pens and recyclable bags. And when those products are no longer needed, some of them go to the recycle bin, and the recycling process starts again.# Conclusion
In light of all the steps, the cycle is not too complex. 开头段有了对于图的总述,结尾段有话就写,没话就不勉强写。但是老章还是写出来予以参考和提示。义乌雅思辅导,义乌雅思6分班,义乌雅思6.5分培训,义乌雅思7分班,义乌新航道雅思培训经典格言:也只是前行路上的插曲,没有任何一条路可以风风顺顺,只有在风雨中不怕失败的打拼才会看到最美的彩虹,只有奋斗、没有失望、不会迷失,鼓励自己还要加油,要奋发、不垂头、不丧气、保持的信念依然坚定!义乌新航道环球雅思口语班义乌雅思。