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发布时间:2025-01-03 22:10:37
选择一家适合自己的雅思培训机构可以帮助你更快地提高雅思成绩,但是在众多的培训机构中选择一家合适的并不容易。以下是一些选择雅思培训机构的建议: 宁波学雅思,宁波专业雅思培训,宁波雅思单项培训,宁波雅思一对一,宁波新航道励志语:看清了很多人,却不能随意拆穿;讨厌着很多人,却又不能轻易翻脸。有时候,生活就是要逼自己变得逆来顺受,宠辱不惊。。
北仑全封闭式雅思培训封闭式雅思培训,雅思专业机构2025年6月5日雅思写作真题|话题分类 教育话题
The family has great influence on children’s development, but the influence from outside the home plays a bigger part in children’s life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
关于家庭和其他因素对于孩子成长的影响,家庭的影响主要来自父母的家庭教育。父母是孩子的第 一任老师,孩子模仿父母并且听从父母。良好的家教有助于孩子成才,反之则不利于孩子成长。当孩子上学之后,来自学校的影响似乎更大。老师系统地传授知识,让孩子在学业方面取得进步,同时老师规范孩子的行为,为孩子树立榜样。此外,与学校同龄人的交往互动也深刻影响到孩子的发展。
multiple factors 多种因素
play an indispensable role 发挥不可或缺的作用
childhood years 童年
life skills 生活技能
distinguish right from wrong 分辨是非
set a good example 树立榜样
become valuable members of society 成才
impart knowledge 传授知识
in a systematic manner 系统地
make progress 取得进步
role models 榜样
settle a dispute 解决争论
contribute to the community 为社区做贡献
parenting approach 育儿方法
Every child is influenced by multiple factors in his or her growth. Compared with the family, other factors from outside the home seem to have greater influence on children’s development.
Parents are considered as children's first teachers, playing an indispensable role in children’s growth, particularly in their childhood years. Parents are the first to help children to learn basic life skills and the ability to distinguish right from wrong. Children tend to imitate what their parents do and follow how their parents behave. If parents could set a good example, children would be more likely to become valuable members of society. By contrast, the wrong methods of parenting can be harmful to children’s growth.
However, after children enter school, other factors have greater influence on their development than parents do. First and foremost, teachers in school impart children knowledge of various subjects in a systematic manner so that children can make progress in academics and prepare for future careers. Teachers are also expected to be students’ role models, guiding them in behavior and correcting their mistakes. In addition, school is a wider community where children spend most of time living and studying together with their peers from different backgrounds. This experience is important in children’s growth, which teaches them how to interact positively with others, to settle a dispute and to contribute to the community.
In conclusion, parenting approaches affect children’s abilities, values and behavior, especially during pre-school years. After children start school, this influence still exists but other factors from outside of the family play a larger role in children’s development.
宁波学雅思,宁波雅思培训班,宁波专业雅思培训经典格言:宁波雅思培训,If you fail, don"t forget to learn your lesson.北仑全封闭式雅思培训封闭式雅思培训,雅思专业机构。
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北仑全封闭式雅思培训封闭式雅思培训,雅思专业机构 宁波学雅思,宁波专业雅思培训,宁波雅思单项培训,宁波雅思一对一,宁波新航道励志语:相信吧,总会有一个属于自己的以后。。