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发布时间:2024-11-27 17:03:53
象山报名雅思学校,雅思专业机构宁波雅思培训,宁波雅思培训班,宁波学雅思哪家强,宁波新航道雅思培训励志语录:少而好学,如日初之阳;壮而好学,如日中之光;老而好学,如炳烛之明。。宁波新航道学校,25年专注雅思提分。新航道教育的教学模式运用了国际先进的测评体系和严谨科学的模拟题库,在短期内专业有效地帮助学员,不仅关注学员起点水平,更加关注学习进程,随时调整课程设计,匹配综合能力,帮助学员高效实现预期目标,达到出国的标准。 宁波学雅思,宁波专业雅思培训,宁波雅思单项培训,宁波雅思一对一,宁波新航道励志语:只有经历过地狱般的折磨,才有征服天堂的力量。只有流过血的手指才能弹出世间的绝唱。象山报名雅思学校,雅思专业机构。
Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn
You should say:
When you learned it
Why you learned it
How you learned it
How you felt when you learned it
When you learned it
第 一小问是属于背景介绍的常规问题。简单阐述一下你是什么时候开始学这项技能的。比如是小时候练习很长时间,或者是最近才开始学习的。
How you learned it
When you noticed this habit
第三小问是注意到这件事情的时候,可以说它带给我什么样的改变,原来踏出第 一步才是最困难的,之后就慢慢变的容易起来了。
How you felt when you learned it
In this contemporary epoch where fierce competition has become an integral part of our lives, we strive hard to learn new skills. So, that we could lead our lives towards an impressive growth trajectory. I too tried, my hand at a new skill last year, and with a lot of issues in between, I managed to learn.
Last year due to the corona pandemic, our country was in a state of lockdown. During that time, the administration imposed a ban on going outside. Since I didn’t have much to do, I decided to learn to cook. After tremendous hard work, I finally learned it. To make prudent use of my spare time, I had decided to learn cooking at home because I plan to pursue my further studies in Canada.
As there is a lot of difference between Indian and Canadian cuisine, therefore I realized that learning to cook in my spare time was a prudent approach for me. Like a typical youngster, I started to learn cooking by watching videos on Youtube. Initially, I had too much interest but later on, it didn’t work, and I took a break in between. In my next attempt, I took the help of my mother, who is an excellent cook. Although it was challenging to learn, despite many doldrums, I had managed to learn cooking.
The whole process took around five months. Many times I had failed, but I kept on doing practice with determination, dedication and discipline. Learning a new skill is a daunting task, and with regular practise, we can become masters.
P3 难学的技能
# What skills do students need to master?
There is no denying this conviction that students need to be well-versed in their academic subjects. They should have enough knowledge of calculations, computers and modern technologies like artificial intelligence. Moreover, they need to work on their soft skills such as communication skills, body language etc. Apart from this, in this era of fierce competition, they need to master skills like driving and cooking etc. So that in case of adverse circumstances, they could handle the conflicts adroitly.
# ls it hard for students to learn new skills?
It is easy to learn new skills as a student because you have plenty of time at your disposal. As we grow older, the ambit of our duties and responsibilities widens and learning new skills seem to be a daunting task. Therefore, learning new skills while pursuing education is a prudent approach.
# Is it hard for old people to learn new skills?
Although there is no fixed age to learn a skill, with time our physical and mental capacity declines.The same task which we could do in hours at young age take days to compete in old age. Hence, it is prudent to say that those skills which require tremendous physical and mental work are challenging to learn at an elderly age.
# ls a good teacher very important for students learning experience?Why?
Yes, a good teacher plays a pivotal role in the success of students. The main reason is that teacher saves the time of students and teach them valuable lessons. The knowledge gained from teachers helps the students to lead their lives towards an impressive growth trajectory. Especially in the formative years when the brain of the children is not that developed, it’s the teacher who helps them in shaping their career.
a sense of accomplishment 成就感
a sense of self-fulfilment自我实现感
promotion opportunity 提升机会
thinking capacity 思考能力
easy accessibility 易于操作
mission impossible 不可能的任务宁波雅思培训,宁波雅思培训班,宁波学雅思哪家强,宁波新航道雅思培训励志语录:那里有天才,我是把别人喝咖啡的工夫都用在工作上的。 —— 鲁迅。
宁波雅思培训,宁波雅思培训班,宁波学雅思哪家强,宁波新航道雅思培训励志语录:果能从失败中汲取教训,失败亦是成功。象山报名雅思学校,雅思专业机构全方位了解 IELTS雅思考试
考试科目 听力、阅读、写作、口语共四科,四科取平均成绩,满分9分 |
2020年1月开始雅思官方考试,象山报名雅思学校,雅思专业机构 单次报名费用改为2170元 |
考试时间 每月举办1-4场考试,成绩在考试结束后5-7个工作日后查询 |
IELTS 是为申请赴英语国家留学 移民的学生评定英语能力 |
其次,那些适合自学的考鸭们身上都有一种共同特点, 那就是:高度自觉性,他们有着良好的学习习惯和本来就不错的英语基础。