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发布时间:2024-12-11 10:33:33
温岭环球雅思学校,台州雅思备考。台州学雅思,台州专业雅思培训,台州雅思单项培训,台州雅思一对一,台州新航道励志语:I think I miss you less and less as every day goes by.我想随着一天天过去,我对你的思念也在一天天淡去。温岭环球雅思学校,台州雅思备考。台州新航道培训学校致力于提供专业的英语培训服务,本着因材施教,为学员服务的理念,针对不同学员的自身情况,量身打造学习方案及留学规划,真正实现前期规划学习路线,中期保障教学质量,后期保证语言成绩.我们热切期望,个性化私属教学方案能激发你巨大潜质,最终帮你实现留学梦想。台州学雅思,台州专业雅思培训,台州雅思单项培训,台州雅思一对一,台州新航道励志语:职场中的升职,并非靠老板而是靠上司。。
温岭环球雅思学校,台州雅思备考台州学雅思,台州专业雅思培训,台州雅思单项培训,台州雅思一对一,台州新航道励志语:老板说“吃亏是福”,那就是要你吃亏替他干活,损害你的利益,因为老板自己是不会实施“吃亏是福”的,他只是忽悠员工们别怕吃亏而已。。雅思口语part2 Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing
You should say:
Where you bought it
How often you wear it
What it is like
And explain why you enjoy wearing it
Part 3
What’s the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of old people?
Do the people living in south China (warmer) wear different clothes from the people living in the north (colder)?
Do you think students like to wear uniforms?
When do people wear formal clothes?
Well, I would like to tell you about a pair of ripped jeans that are my favorite item among all the things I have in my wardrobe.
You know, I bought them for an unbelievably cheap price a long time ago in a second-hand clothing store. At that point, ripped jeans were really popular and everybody in my school was keen on them. So, whenever I put these jeans on, I felt really stylish and thought I really stood out from the crowd. After a while though, trends started to change, but I refused to abandon my jeans. I wore them almost everywhere, from home to school and only changed them for formal events such as a ceremony or a wedding. Sometimes I even slept in my jeans because they were so comfortable.
Actually, it is quite easy to understand why I fancy these jeans so much. Firstly, they instantly create a stylish and fashionable look for the wearer. Secondly, jeans are easy to mix and match and I can wear them with heaps of different shirts without worrying about looking ridiculous in other people’s eyes. And lastly, denim is so tough that it can’t be torn, so I can have them for a long time and save a great deal of money.
All in all, I love my jeans and cannot get through a day without them. I think such an item should be made trendy again so that the youngsters nowadays can really get to know their awesomeness.
What’s the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of old people?
Older people are often uninterested in fashion and more interested in what looks good on them or what is comfortable. They want you to say “you look very nice” rather than “that is a nice outfit”. They often find the idea of “fashion” a manipulaton to make people buy more stuff.
Fashion is for the young. Older people already have a full closet of things they like.
Do the people living in south China (warmer) wear different clothes from the people living in the north (colder)?
Do you think students like to wear uniforms?
The vast majority of kids don't want to wear school uniforms. The reasons why kids don't want to wear school uniforms are diverse, from School Uniforms Are Ugly,Uniforms Aren't Flattering to School Uniforms Restrict Individuality.
When do people wear formal clothes?
更多托福课程、雅思课程、雅思写作单项突破、留学规划、四六级课程、PTE课程、多邻国课程、A-level课程、GRE课程,或者有任何疑问,欢迎联系新航道广州学校。 台州学雅思,台州专业雅思培训,台州雅思单项培训,台州雅思一对一,台州新航道励志语:人生中不可挽回的几样东西:说出去的话,消逝的时间,失去的机会。温岭环球雅思学校,台州雅思备考。
温岭环球雅思学校,台州雅思备考台州学雅思,台州专业雅思培训,台州雅思单项培训,台州雅思一对一,台州新航道励志语:Belong to your own, do not give up. Have lost, stay for the memories.属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。。。
140多个国家和地区,超过11000所院校和机构认可雅思成绩,并且享有移民政策倾斜,雅思自推出起,就有一个G类考试,而雅思G类考试就是为移民和准备在国外生活的同胞们准备的。 |
许多学校在本科生及研究生自主招生时, 均开始接受雅思成绩,且普遍要求雅思 6 分以上。有些学校或专业,甚至要求更高分数或单科分数,如北外,厦大,复旦,上外,南京大学等。 |
提升求职软实力 无论是外企还是国内名企,对员工的国际沟通能力有一定的要求。如果你能在简历中明确写上“雅思7分水平”,相信这一条已经能让你越众而出。对英语有要求的岗位面试官会用英文提问,如果仅有四六级证书,口语上自然不占优势。而雅思考试的内容注重语言的应用能力,所以在翻译和口语上占有绝对优势。 |
近年的公务员考试中,很多招考单位都要求雅思6.5或7分及以上,而且被录用后也会有公派、遴选升职的机会,如果手握雅思成绩,将会比别人多一分胜算! |
台州新航道雅思考试备考课程 25年培训经验! 台州学雅思,台州专业雅思培训,台州雅思单项培训,台州雅思一对一,台州新航道励志语:我们这个世界,从不会给一个伤心的落伍者颁发奖牌。温岭环球雅思学校,台州雅思备考。
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温岭环球雅思学校,台州雅思备考 |
温岭环球雅思学校,台州雅思备考台州学雅思,台州专业雅思培训,台州雅思单项培训,台州雅思一对一,台州新航道励志语:One"s real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself.——Einstein Germany 一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。——爱因斯坦德国温岭环球雅思学校,台州雅思备考。欢迎预约就近校区免费测评体验课。