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发布时间:2024-12-05 00:57:26
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台州国际雅思学校,台州雅思备考 |
听力40分钟 4部分 40道题
评分标准 雅思听力试卷包括40题,每答对一题得一分。满分的原始分均为40分台州国际雅思学校,台州雅思备考 |
口语11-14分钟 3部分
评分标准 按四项标准分别评等级分:流利性与连贯性、词汇多样性、语法多样性及准确性、发音 |
阅读60分钟 3篇文章 40道题
考试内容 考生将阅读三篇文章并回答文章后问题,文章从书本、杂志、期刊及报纸上选取
评分标准 雅思阅读试卷包括40题,每答对一题得一分。满分的原始分均为40分,考生依据其原始分获取1-9分的等级 |
写作60分钟 2篇作文
按四项标准分别评等级分: 写作任务完成&回应情况、连贯与衔接、词汇丰富程度、语法多样性及准确性。 |
台州国际雅思学校,台州雅思备考#雅思口语Part2 话题
Describe a café you like to visit
You should say:
Where it is
What kinds of food and drinks it serves
What you do there
And explain why you like to go there
Where it is
第 一小问作为地点类的常规问题,需要给出咖啡馆所处位置的信息,包括绝 对位置,(位于哪座城市的什么道路),相对位置(利用参照物,距离学校有多远),还可以描述一般是通过什么交通方式到达的。
What kinds of food and drinks it serves
What you do there
And explain why you like to go there
I have been to a new cafe named Jean Rough, I like to visit it very often.It is a new café, and so I was not really too sure about what to expect there. But, when I arrived there, I was in for a pleasant surprise as I found that the friendly management and staff there were eagerly waiting to greet us and other customers. By the way, it was indeed a nice café, as my friends had told me before, with a nice decoration inside.
The tables were nicely shaped with beautiful, cream colour table clothes on them. Each and every table maintained a safe distance from each other to offer all of its customers a sense of privacy. The flower vases on the tables added to the elegance of the café even more. Not to mention, the lighting system of the café was also very colourful that certainly helped create a rather mystical environment there. Besides, all around the café, everything looked very shiny and spotlessly clean. There wasn’t a single thing that I could find to complain about the café.
Talking about the foods and drinks there, they were equally delicious and appetizing, especially, the strawberry-filled cheesecake and the garlic-roasted bread were simply outstanding. Besides, the cranberry fruit drinks tasted like they just came fresh from the garden!
Anyway, I liked this café, mainly because it had a huge space inside it to accommodate just about everybody rather comfortably. Besides, the decoration inside the café was very gorgeous and contemporary to lighten up your mood. Finally, I liked the café also because they served some of the most delicious foods and snacks I had ever tasted.
P3 咖啡馆
# What kind of people would like to go to a café?
In this contemporary epoch, fierce competition has become an integral part of our lives, due to this reason some people have less time to cook for themselves, such individuals are the primary customers of cafe. Apart from this, some persons go to cafes to break the monotony of their lives.
# Why do young people like studying in a cafe instead of at home?
The prominent reason for this is the atmosphere inside the cafe. Cafes offer a clean and serene environment which puts the young people in a state of flow. Another reason is there are fewer distractions at such places. Moreover, youngsters could find like-minded people at such places, which is not possible at home.
# Do old people like to drink coffee?
Although like youngsters, older people too love the taste of coffee, they take it in moderation to avoid sleep issues because coffee contains a lot of caffeine which disturbs our sleeping pattern.
# Do Chinese people like to drink coffee?
Most of Chinese are die-hard tea fans, however, with the increasing number of cafes specializing in serving numerous varieties of coffee. A large number of people have started developing an interest in coffee.
instant coffee即溶咖啡
real coffee纯咖啡
Physical health 生理健康
low-carb 低碳水化合物
afternoon tea 下午茶点
coffee pot 咖啡壶
coffee cup 咖啡杯
cafeteria 咖啡厅自助餐厅
雅思成绩全球认可 140多个国家和地区,超过11000所院校和机构认可雅思成绩,并且享有移民政策倾斜,雅思自推出起,就有一个G类考试,而雅思G类考试就是为移民和准备在国外生活的同胞们准备的。 |
许多学校在本科生及研究生自主招生时, 均开始接受雅思成绩,且普遍要求雅思 6 分以上。有些学校或专业,甚至要求更高分数或单科分数,如北外,厦大,复旦,上外,南京大学等。 |
无论是外企还是国内名企,对员工的国际沟通能力有一定的要求。如果你能在简历中明确写上“雅思7分水平”,相信这一条已经能让你越众而出。对英语有要求的岗位面试官会用英文提问,如果仅有四六级证书,口语上自然不占优势。而雅思考试的内容注重语言的应用能力,所以在翻译和口语上占有绝对优势。 |
近年的公务员考试中,很多招考单位都要求雅思6.5或7分及以上,而且被录用后也会有公派、遴选升职的机会,如果手握雅思成绩,将会比别人多一分胜算! |
台州国际雅思学校,台州雅思备考台州学雅思,台州专业雅思培训,台州雅思单项培训,台州雅思一对一,台州新航道励志语:Stepping forward can"t finish the distance while going backwards can"t get rid of the memory.前进走不完距离,后退走不出回忆。。